HA HA HA!!!!! I dont know you at all! i have to laugh very hard at this whole statment! I am a certified Liscensed Vet, Been for 25 years! I know exactly whom you are speeking very poorly of! To any one reading this Ignorant girls post, please make sure you do your homework on terri before you beleive this abosolute ignorant girls, very untrue statement! i have been terri vet for over 15 years, I am going to come to her defense on this to the fullest, I put my whole lisence in it!!! terri is more than an animal lover, but Lives her life day in and day out for all her animals, I have never met someone so dedicated in my life!!!! Whomever this nutcase is talking about her must have done something very wrong on her own. Terri lives in our office and breaks her back every day to take care of the very wonderfull kennel and sanctuary she has been running for well over 15 years! Have you ever heard of a disgruntled employee, that would have to be this lady who is speking so terribly of Terri! Like I said "DO YOUR HOMEWORK FIRST" I will post the link to terri's website and my Office, Everyone of my clients,as well as half the state knoe of terri, and you can read peoples real stories. Then and only then can you make your own judgement!!! I find it very sad that someone has to go to such far links to do something like this! Frankly it is sad! Whomever you are I eally hope that you make up, and whomever is reading this please visit terri's website, and read real peoples stories! Any question feel free!!
terrie's Website penkenav@risnet