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Chris and Matt

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Everything posted by Chris and Matt

  1. It doesn't look like they're selling the Jolly Balls with toys anymore. I may just order a Jolly Ball alone and put the toys on it
  2. I wouldn't run that through a google image search either I googled it though without any trouble.
  3. Matt is definitely a lady's man so that wouldn't surprise me
  4. Maggie will be 6 months old soon and she has definitely grown to be a very important part of our home! We were hoping to socialize her well with anyone who came to the house but she definitely seems to have taken to Matt. I was a little upset at first since I feed her, bathe her, give her teats, clean her cage, etc but this only led to frustration on both of our parts and me being on the receiving end of a few good nips! Now that Maggie and I are on the same page we seem to be getting along a lot better. Maggie cries for Matt in the evening about the time that he's supposed to be getting home from work (I don't know how she has this figured out). In the afternoon I sit her on the perch by the front window so she can wait for him to pull up in the driveway and she gets very excited and calls for him. It's pretty cute. I've learned that if he's in the room she wants nothing to do with me. She'll step up for me without a problem but if I offer her a scratch she'll lunge. If he's at work and I ask nicely enough she'll let me give her a scratch and maybe even some cuddles. She's so vocal throughout the day and especially in the evening. She makes so many sounds and it seems like she's coming up with a new one every couple of days, she never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes she make a really guttural mumble and it sound like she's trying to say something but it's always unintelligible. Also, I'm convinced Maggie was a bat in a previous life. I can't tell you how many times I'll walk in to the office where her cage is and she'll just be hanging out upside down in her cage. When I give her a funny look she looks at me like I'm crazy. When she gets really riled up she'll hang upside down and attack her toys wildly getting them to swing all over the place and crash in to things. She also loves hanging upside down from her rope swing and using other things in her cage to swing herself. So cute! I may not be her favorite human but she's amazing and I love our girl! (Maggie is currently sulking on her play perch. I think she knows Matt's gone for the weekend, she looks downright depressed)
  5. Man, I wish Maggie would give a warning! She doesn't bite hard very often but when she bites it's definitely without warning (but usually with provocation). That clacky noise (yes, I made the noise when I read the original post too) is one of Maggie's favorite noises to make though. She'll string the noises together going up and down in pitch almost making a song. She's not talking yet so she's just full of all sorts of noises.
  6. Where did y'all buy your Jolly Balls from? I think Maggie would get a kick out of one of these, I may just take a chance and buy one. Good recommendations for places to order from? Did you get them already loaded down with toys or did you decorate them yourselves? Thanks!
  7. When I was a child my next door neighbor had burmese cats. I loved going over there to go play with them but she knew I was allergic and asthmatic and wouldn't allow me in her house without an inhaler, and wouldn't allow me out before I washed my hands. Unfortunately, she didn't take such good care of herself. She was also allergic and asthmatic and had the paramedics at her house pretty frequently for serious asthma attacks. Low and behold, one day she had an asthma attack and couldn't get to the phone in time. Thankfully her electricity and gas had been shut off but she had cats trapped in her bedroom with her and she was nearly unidentifiable when they found her. The city came in and she had well over 50 cats in her home. Newspapers, hair, feces everywhere. They had to pretty much tear the walls out down to the studs and completely replace the floors to make her house habitable again. The city then sold it to repay her debt. It was awful.
  8. The cat hoarder was about an hour south of me in NM. Heart breaking
  9. Ya know, our microwave have some sort of nonstick coating inside of it, I'm wondering what on earth it is and how safe it is. Is something inside a microwave as much of a concern as something that would be used on a stove or in an oven?
  10. What sort of food does she eat anyways? Lots of fruits and veggies? Pellets? Seed? Does she toss a lot of her food out of her bowl or is she actually eating it all? Just curiosity!
  11. I've watched Hoarders a bit and it deeply saddens me. They're all so sick and I can't help but feel a heavy heart when they're not ready to receive help yet. I watched Intervention a few times until my best friend's ex-wife was on the show. I couldn't watch it after that. Surprisingly enough it actually helped her, she's still clean and in her support groups...
  12. My goodness. I think you should start a new thread with all of this information in it. There are a lot of people here that can give you great advice, but not everyone will look at the bottom of the second page of a silly thread to find it. Start a new topic and I'm sure you'll get lots of suggestions to help you out. Hang in there, I know it's difficult! Good luck!
  13. Maggie has her wings clipped (a long clip, but still clipped). She's too young to talk yet but we're anxiously awaiting the day she decides to grace us with her voice. I think we're going to wind up having to really watch what we say. In the privacy of our own home we definitely talk in a way we wouldn't want her speaking to strangers!
  14. Maggie will give Matt all the kisses in the world. She'll let him kiss her and do just about anything he wants to her, but I only get very selective kisses here and there. I thank her for them anyways. I think Maggie would freak if I went near her feet!
  15. That's exactly what it is, I picked it up at WalMart. Maggie's breeder had a few of these wooden bead toys and Maggie loved it so I grabbed that as soon as I found it. She loves sliding the beads from one side to the other, she can even get them around the twirly parts. Ya know, I didn't even think about any kind of coating on the wires and the beads. She doesn't eat things that she chews on (I would even trust her with foam beads) so I'm not too concerned.
  16. Maggie loves it but the base is so big and wide it's impossible to move from room to room without taking it apart. Even after taking it apart it's unwieldy. It definitely does the job though
  17. That's the best picture I have right now. We hang the boing from the top bar. I'd like to hang the boing from the ceiling in the kitchen though, I bet she'd love that.
  18. Matt made this huge (too big if you ask me!) PVC stand a while ago. We took an extra piece of PVC and extended it up with an arm parallel to the stand so we could hang toys from it and we hang Maggie's boing from it. She loves it because she can run/climb up and down the boing to get up and down from her perch. She also likes to antagonize the dogs this way, trying to lure them in close enough to bite them (all under close supervision of course).
  19. Maggie loves the lids off of syrup bottles too. She can open it and close it while holding it in her foot. It's one of her favorite foot toys to chew on
  20. Wow, this topic couldn't have come at a better time. Maggie is 5 months old now and she's definitely growing in to her personality. It has become quite obvious to me in the last month or so that Matt is her buddy. I feed her, water her, bathe her, clean her cage, make/buy her toys, but he's the one that she's chosen. This definitely didn't come as a surprise to me but it was a little disheartening. It hasn't gotten to the point where she consistently bites me (not hard anyways) but I can usually spot the lunge. She'll still occasionally let me scratch her but she doesn't snuggle with me like she does with Matt. When he comes home from work she's all clicks, whistles, and hoots the second she sees him. She has also decided she isn't a shoulder bird and I learned the hard way that she can no longer sit on the back of my chair (she'll steal my earrings, steal my glasses, bite my ears, etc). Since I find myself with extra time throughout the day I think I'll start in with the treat/training idea and see where we can get. Might as well right?
  21. Ok, well, thankfully I did a little research before washing my dogs. I waited about 36 hours (24 is recommended) before washing the dogs. It looked like within 12 hours all the fleas were dead anyways. The dogs are now clean and flea-free! The house appears to be flea-free as well. I did a thorough vacuuming the night I discovered them and even crawled around on my hands and knees inspecting the carpet (I'm sure Maggie got a kick out of this). I think most everything is fine and well in our little zoo of a home, although we are a little less of a zoo now, yesterday I lost all three of my rats to some sickness and some extremely aggressive behavior Thank you everyone for your insight and responses. I spent about an hour today putting together some new toys for Maggie to keep my mind off of my poor ratties and to make Maggie a little happier.
  22. So, we have a bit of a full house around here with 3 people (sometimes 5), 2 dogs, 3 rats, and of course Maggie who is about 4 months old now. About an hour ago I discovered that both of the dogs have fleas! I just moved to Alabama from the desert and we never had to worry about fleas much in the drier climate. Anyways, I put some Advantix on the dogs. Tomorrow they'll get a bath and get their crates/beds cleaned. I'm going to take Maggie outside and treat the carpets. I looked around but I couldn't get a definitive answer, would it be possible that Maggie could get the fleas? I'm leaning more towards no but I figured I'd ask anyways. Not looking forward to the flea warfare tomorrow. Even worse is I keep itching since I found them!
  23. I used to have a green cheeked named Jack and he definitely would've made one hell of a burglar alarm. He was one angry little bird. He eventually had to be rehomed and rehabilitated, he just hated my daughter with a passion and I had to think of his happiness and well-being. I still miss that little guy despite the numerous times he took a chunk out of me!
  24. I just noticed that latch that's on that cage. Do you think they unbolt that every day or do they just drop the food and water in through the openings for the dishes? *sigh* what a shame...
  25. The worst thing is they have a blue and yellow macaw as well and he sits with the lady at the gate on a perch with some toys, some water, and gets human interaction. I don't understand how they could keep such a beautiful bird sequestered in the heat while taking care of the macaw. I almost want to go out again just to check on him and as you said, talk to the manager. It's not like I have much else filling my days and it's a pretty drive.
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