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Status Updates posted by Tweedle

  1. ;)


    I didn't get Melinda's version with the CD I'm afraid, but shall keep an eye out for it!


    Do you have any idea how many followers your blog has? A sigficant number, I imagine! Though I think it might take me a few years to catch up on it all



  2. Really like the name 'Averi' :)

  3. Although I've done plenty of clicker training, I've barely done any with birds, so keep referring back to Melinda Johnson's book for reassurance. Imagine my delight to find her quoting you in chapter one!


    I'm so enjoying your birdie archives, and current posts :D

  4. Hi there, I noticed you posted that Ozzy has tricky feet - I wonder if you could post a pic or two of your set up, and any comments on what he finds easy/difficult to deal with. I'll be moving house soon, and looking for ideas to make the most of Pippa's space. Many thanks, Tweeds.

  5. Off on holiday for a week, looking forward to delving around in here when I get back :)

  6. Hello. I'm a newbie, but just been reading about your winter and wondered how it's going? Tweeds

  7. I thought I'd put a bit of Pippa's story here - not sure whether it's the right place for it, hopefully I'll find my way round soon enough.


    Pippa is a 14yo CAG, who I adopted in March 2008. She used to belong to an elderly gentleman who died, and was inherited by his grandaughter. They did not have any other pets, and would not have chosed to have a pet, but it is very hard to get rid of something that swears with your Grandad's voice. They did their best for her, but she developed medical issues that cost a lot of money to treat, and they realised they couldn't afford to treat her if she got sick again. They couldn't bear the thought of her being sold, of people making money from her, so asked if anyone at the clinic where I work would be prepared to take her on.

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