sorry your having problems, I echo everyone elses thoughts, telling him off just makes him think 'ooooh this is fun I get a reaction' so will do it more - also most birds shut up when they are noshing their food anyways definately reward the good behaviour, whistle a fun tune when he makes his alarm noise, divert his attention with something fun rather than shouting, little things like him eating at the same time as you etc (esp if you sit down for evening meal) make him feel like he belongs and is part of 'the flock' , and as said above explain what your doing, they are so blimmin intelligent and will soon associate certain words with actions! treat him like you would a 5 year old, ozzie sometimes does this but luckily its only been occassional for eg when we come back off holiday,or he is in a mood over something, I have always whistled some daft tune or sing a song he likes to join in with to divert his attention and within moments he forgets he was making such a din, when he has done it out of the cage I have sometimes put him quite 'uncerimoniously' (but gently) down onto the floor and turned my back on him, immediately he has quietened and climbed back up to his cage or java and stopped the noise, there are always times that the little monkeys are just darn right obnoxiously noisy and in a mood about something or nothing, just like we are at times, but this is part and parcel of owning a grey and the benefits believe you me far outway their noisy outbursts, dont get me wrong when they are in full flow, sometimes you want to yell 'for goodness sake shut up' but its all about being one step ahead of them and although it can be ear piercing its about being patient and thinking through your response and what will eventually settle your bird or create an ongoing problem, it IS something that can be sorted but it will take time and patience;)