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About craftsmaster

  • Birthday 01/10/1987


  • Biography
    Pet Owner


  • Location
    Gold Coast Australia


  • Interests


  • Occupation
    Business Owner

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I tried to feed my african grey a small amount of chocolate out of curiosity. Hopefully, he's still alive. Thanks for sharing the don't lists.
  2. The one thing that may strike you immediately about this feeding schedule is that, unlike people, parrots don’t eat lunch. We eat three meals a day for the most part, but parrots don’t need this noon time meal. If you try to feed your bird at this hour, he more than likely will refuse to eat. If you didn’t know that noon time wasn’t a part of their normal eating pattern, you may assume that your bird just doesn’t like the foods you’re trying to feed him. Cooked foods are anything but natural to your bird. Parrots live naturally in the wild, where they eat foods that are solely fresh, live foods. Their systems still require this type of food. Raw foods contain an abundance of enzymes, as well as essential fatty acids, not to mention phytonutrients. Cooking, unfortunately, destroys many of the nutritious substances.
  3. Without a doubt, you’ll discover that keeping Polly well-fed –satisfying her taste buds as well as her overall health – is the greatest challenge of owning a parrot. You’re entering this venture fully armed with all the necessary information to keep your parrot healthy. Unfortunately, if you ask three different experts on parrots what you should be feeding your new family member, you’ll receive three different opinions on what foods create the ideal diet. That’s not only frustrating, but it’s extremely confusing for you. And ultimately, the one who suffers is your parrot. What’s more, your parrot often doesn’t help the situation either. As you’re about to learn, your parrot can be a finicky eater. If you discover, once you bring Polly home, that she resists trying new foods, don’t be surprised. This is a common trait among parrots.
  4. Until recently –the past few decades – pet parrots have lived on a seed-based diet which has been supplemented by what many call “table foods” and a variety of fruit. We’re beginning to learn, however, that seed mixtures don’t supply your parrot with the overall nutrition needed for robust good health. Why? For one thing, seeds don’t possess an adequate calcium and phosphorus ratio, which leads to a calcium deficiency. Vitamin A is also lacking in a seed mixture; this nutrient is essential to the bird’s immune system. Most importantly, seeds don’t even come close to providing the proper protein requirements a parrot needs. _______________________ Carmel Santos Author of The Ultimate Guide to Parrots The Australian Guide to Parrots
  5. You just don't take him out. You have to consider it's nature (bird not human). Parrots are supposed to live in a free environment, but this seems not to be the case since impossible is almost nothing. Most commonly, your parrot bites when he’s being removed from a familiar perch, the inside of his cage or from the top of the cage. Don’t be too concerned, because this situation can be easily remedied with an improved technique. This experience will also diminish as you practice the “step-up” practice in territory that may be unfamiliar to your baby. If you’ve already experienced occasional nipping, you’ll want to make sure that you keep good eye contact with your bird. Present the hand on which he’ll be stepping below him.Just as the “prompt hand” approaches, present an unfamiliar object with the other hand, but keep it out of his reach. Now you can give the “step up” command (with the other hand. Follow this with “Be a good bird.” Carmel
  6. Very often this type of bird isn’t even destined to be a pet; more than likely this young chick finds itself as part of the next generation of captive breeding pairs. Not only is he ensuring the demands of the pet trade are met in a humane way, he’s actually playing a large role in making sure his species doesn’t suffer from extinction.
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