i will use a video of the smashing pumpkins for example ( hope u like rock !! lol)
so find your video, click on the video & get the url from the address bar, so my video address is,
now instead of just posting the address like it is here, do the following for a much neater job !
type then type what you want here ! http:// <<<< in this last box make sure you put a fwd slash / after the 1st bracket before you type url, i couldnt do it as you would not have seen the full code!
so now instead of having
, you will have , click here for smashing pumpkins or whatever you decided to write ,
so to sum up, get your vid address then bracket, url= then video link then close bracket, type what you want , then bracket fwd slash, url ,then bracket, to close the url, job done !!