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Everything posted by venom

  1. yes she gets misted & jumps in her water dish now & again lol
  2. yeah nice 1 m8, would love to see the pics !!
  3. forgot to add this , she has a bit of baby formula thats stuck to the side if her face it drives me insane i been trying to get it off for ages , well shes been off formula for months now but it wont budge,tried wetting etc , not having it , still will just wait & see if it drops off !
  4. all grown up now & watching the footie with me
  5. this is my tiel , shes called "jelly" , dont ask !! , anyway we had her about 12 yrs now, shes tame as anything & no problem at all
  6. im from newcastle upon tyne uk, i was born in wales but had to leave at 13 coz i couldnt do the accent , just kiddin geordie born & bred "whey aye man" jilly yer just doon the road man
  7. great vid , love anything like that, more please !!!
  8. venom


    well to be honest it was a seed mix i got off the breeder, i dont use seed for milo as i weaned her on to pellets , so no idea tbh
  9. venom


    i have been looking about the forums & seen the sprouting threads so i thought i would give it a go , all i done was soak the mix , wash it thouroughly, then pop it in a container & pop it in the cupboard, wash the next day & so on for 3 days and hey presto !! sprouted !!! milo loves them !
  10. agree lol, dont want you suffering what i did lol
  11. love the boston, think that will be my next choice if i ever get another dog! great pics
  12. i will use a video of the smashing pumpkins for example ( hope u like rock !! lol) so find your video, click on the video & get the url from the address bar, so my video address is, now instead of just posting the address like it is here, do the following for a much neater job ! type then type what you want here ! http:// <<<< in this last box make sure you put a fwd slash / after the 1st bracket before you type url, i couldnt do it as you would not have seen the full code! so now instead of having , you will have , click here for smashing pumpkins or whatever you decided to write , so to sum up, get your vid address then bracket, url= then video link then close bracket, type what you want , then bracket fwd slash, url ,then bracket, to close the url, job done !!
  13. venom

    soya nuts

    think i will give em a miss then
  14. venom

    soya nuts

    are soya nuts ok for my grey ?
  15. that peacock is stunning !!!! great pic
  16. its a rip off on ebay , it was £6.99 on ebay & £3.00 p&p , go to your local indian food supermarket like i did £1.58 exact same stuff
  17. venom

    Thermo Perch?

    just a bit to far i think , madness !!!
  18. venom


    i put palm nut spread on mine & she loves it , & she loves crumpets as well, in fact i dont think i have found anything she wont eat !
  19. its amazing in the difference of peoples birds, mine was clambering everywhere at 10 weeks never fell much at all , i had the perches on the bottom bars of the cage but she spent more time at the top, sure she was a monkey in a former life
  20. i think a flaw in the aviator harness is that it wont detatch, if you had the harness with a clip so you could just clip the lead on it would be a lot better for the bird to get used to wearing it as you could just pop the harness on without the leader & leave it on for a bit so she/he can get used to it, you cant with a aviator so my bird gets tangled up in the leader, shes ok with it now but cant help thinking if they were separate it would make things a lot easier on the bird !
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