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Everything posted by mrjayd

  1. Well Nala is sucking down her formula now..... :-) Maybe it just took her a few days to get used to someone else feeding her and I think maybe I was just giving it to her a little too cool. I am warming it a bit more and she is eating a lot in the morning and before bed. She is eating so much solid foods now though that I think I can start weaning her from her morning feeding. She also have been flying to my hand off her playstand about 5 or 6 feet away and already chasing the target chop stick all over the place for a click and treat. She is going to be so fun to train.
  2. Yes 9 weeks old today actually. Born 3/23. She has been flapping on my had ever since i brought her home on Saturday and tonight while in the living room she just took off. Not very far, only about 6 feet and lucky right to the couch. So I guess they can start to fly at 9 weeks. The breeder I got her from is a very well known and respected breeder out here so I am sure she is not lying to me about her age.
  3. I talked to the breeder and she said my baby was already getting finicky with her 2 feedings. Also, I am not a rookie when it comes to hand feeding. I used to breed cockatiels and love birds some years back so I asked to take her when she was at 2 feedings. I got her to eat a good syringe full tonight but it took some doing. I just can't force it down her though. She is eating solid foods good already so I know she is getting something in her. She has also taken to her water bottle already too and is drinking quite a bit. She even took her first flight tonight. I think she is just going to wean herself early. But I will watch her weight. She knows the step up command already too and already following my target stick all over the place for a safflower seed. I think she is going to be a big very smart bird.... :-)
  4. Her name is Nala and she is a CAG that's 9 weeks old today. I brought her home on Saturday and the breeder was still feeding her 50cc twice a day with a syringe. She doesn't want to seem to eat much baby food for me. Doesn't want anything to do with the syringe but she will take 1 or 2 spoonfuls for me in the morning but that's it. She is eating solid foods good all day. Eats her dry foods all day and I give her fresh vegetables in the evening which she seems to pick at pretty good. She has already learned to drink from the water bottle and I see here up there a few times a day drinking from it. Anyway, should I be worried about her not eating her baby food? How much weight should I be seeing her gain each day/week? She is at about 380g now. Just wondering if I should take her back to the breeder for a couple more weeks. Thanks.....JD
  5. Has anyone ever seen these on a CAG? I went to the breeder to pick out my new baby and she had one that had one white nail and one foot and one white and one clear on the other foot. Is this anything to worry about or just a rare thing? --JD
  6. Are there any upgrades you can do to the HQ cage feeders doors to add external feeder cups?
  7. Hello everyone, My name is JD and I am new to this forum but not that new to Greys, I have had a few AG's over the years but all males that all seemed to be a one person bird. "MY" bird. I am thinking of getting another one and was thinking about a female this time. Can anyone enlighten me on the female Congo's? Do they still get almost as large as the males as adults and is their temperament any different? Do they tend to be a one person bird also? I am really intending on working with and training my new one when I get it as I have to admit I really didn't much with my others. Thanks and hope to hear from some who have both.
  8. HaHa never met anyone with the same name I use. My intials are JD and have been called that my whole life and when computers and email first came out I needed a username that was longer than just JD so I created jayd/mrjayd. My license plates on my truck is even "MRJAYD".... :-) I am 49, BTW. Nice to meet you here. I will start a thread in the Welcome room as soon as I get my grey in house.
  9. Does everyone use these if they come with their cage? What is the advantages and disadvantages to using them?
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