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Everything posted by mrjayd

  1. I had a smaller cage that I put out on the patio today to get her some sun and she seemed to like it. She was playing in her water dishes splashing around and taking somewhat of a bath. But she still was chewing throughout the day. If it is the lack of sun why she is doing this, how long will it take for her tio stop chewing? Will she stop all at once?
  2. Thanks Jayd, I feel so sorry for her. She looks terrible. Like I said she is not pulling any feathers out, she is just chewing and shredding them. Now I see her starting on her tail feathers. Where can I buy some aloe juice and what kind of light should I get for her? This is the only bird I have had that I kept full flighted so I can't take her out in the sun. I might want to get her clipped once just so I can take her out in the sun for a while and see if she mends.
  3. Nala is only 6 months old now and she is mutilating her wing feathers on the top of her back. She is not plucking them out but just chewing and shredding them real bad. I can't figure out what is wrong. I have plenty of chew type toys in there all the time and she plays and chews on them all the time but she just hangs from her cage and reaches around with her head and chews her feathers. I give her daily baths and she eats all kinds of foods. She fly's around the house every day so she doesn't seem bored. Any suggestions?
  4. Thanks everyone. Now to get a harness so I can take her outside and get some sun.... :-)
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e059XSAlKOQ Just a quick little something I put together for you all. Hope you all enjoy it. Nala is doing great.
  6. I read somewhere that full flighted birds never pluck their feathers. Is that true and has anyone out there who has flighted birds ever plucked?
  7. So my Nala has been off her morning feeding for about a week now and eating good all through the day now. I have still been feeding her about 50cc at night around 9-10pm. But the last couple days I noticed her eating her seeds and pellets around that time. So question is, do I stop the late night feeding all together at some point and when or do I just keep giving her less and less until it down to nothing? Thanks....JD
  8. mrjayd

    Cherrio's bad?

    Exactly what I have read and have been told by many breeders so wondering why the vet says they have too much zinc in them and are bad.
  9. I just took Nala in for her initial checkup to the vet today and they told me and gave me some documentation about cherrio's being bad for greys. Something about zinc being in them and one of the things it could cause is feather picking among other things too. Anyone else ever here of this?
  10. Well just got back from the vet for Nala's initial checkup and she passed with flying colors. She weighed in at 420g and what makes me mad is I weighed her before I left to the vet on my so-called professional scale that I payed over $100 for and she only weighed 360g on that. So all this time I have been weighing her and thought she was under weight, my scale has been way off. But even according to my scale she was up about 20g from last week so she is definitely putting some weight back on. The vet told me she has some really big feet and that she could possible reach close to 500g. About what age do they reach their peak weight?
  11. well that's about right then cuz she was 385g when I got her and she is down to about 345 now. I use Embrace plus and she eat 55-60 twice a day. Will the peanut butter disolve in the formula? I will try and post some pics later after work.
  12. Oh hey jayd thanks for asking. Just been busy. She is doing good. She is down about 40 g since I got her about three weeks ago. She just flies constantly and I called the vet and they said this is normal bit I am taking her in for a checkup anyway this Saturday. I am still feeding her twice a day but she doesn't seem to eat eveything else like she uses to. I mean she eats but just picks at things. She seems healthy and very active just not a good eater.
  13. Well I actually just noticed it the last couple days. It is not always all water, sometimes there is the green stool looking piece mixed in but sometimes it seems like all water.
  14. She has been eating her formula and seed and pellets and fruits and veggies good but her poop is never really solid.
  15. I thought I read somewhere once that the Cameroons are generally lighter in color but I was just wondering about the normal CAG's if they lighten up with age. I also read somewhere that females get a little lighter than males?
  16. Well that's the thing with that link, my little girl is no where near the weights they list there. I was just referring to the looks of the growth of the feathers and all. And I guess the clicker training is all what you put into it. Nala touched my chop stick on day 1 and now she will chase and touch it all over her playstand for a click and treat. Of course this just didn't happen. I have spent hours with her on this. She is still young so her attention span is not that long but I just keep going back and working with her throughout the day. It's all what you put into it. But I say no to Jay Leno, i wouldn't want to give him the ratings. I will stick with my boy Letterman..... :-)
  17. I am just saying I have no reason not to believe her and after I first said that I found this link so I am thinking now that she really is that age. So it can be whatever you want it to be.
  18. Hey jayd, Does it make a difference if I warm the water up first then mix in the formula or should i mix it first cold then warm it up?
  19. Well all birds grow and fly at different rates I guess and there is no reason why the breeder would want to lie to me. She is a very respected breeder and keeps all her records from her birds she breeds. Her name is Eva Rosen from http://www.emrexoticbirdbreeder.com/ If you look at the 8wk picture in this link http://www.babygreys.co.uk/12-weeks.htm Nala looked exactly like this the week before I picked her up and the 9th and now going on the 10th week looks just about right so I can't say she really stretched the truth about her age. She would have waited to sell her to me until she was weaned but I wanted to hand feed for a while so she will bond with me. And I must say it is going really well. She is already letting me lay her on her back, flying to my hand, and already clicker training good chasing her target stick all over for a treat. I think I just got lucky with this girl.... :-)
  20. Oh ok jayd.(seems funny calling somebody else that) I always just used a spoon with me other birds but the breeder gave me the syringe with the hose on it because she feeds all her babies this way. I wasn't sticking it all the way down her throat though, just to the back of her mouth but I will try it with it off or go back and try and use my spoon. Thanks jayd.
  21. Hi Tanya, I am in the same boat you are here with my going on 10 week old baby girl. I just brought her home last Saturday on 2 feedings a day. She would not eat hardly any of her formula for me the first few days but I just think it was a temperature thing and it was not warm enough because she is sucking it up now the last couple days 50-60cc morning and before bed. One thing you might try is putting a 2 or 3 inch piece of surgical tubing on the end of the syringe to get the food down a little farther quicker so they just can't play with it in their beaks. It seems they can't spit it back up so easily (unless they really don't want it or their full) and less of a chance to injure them with the hard plastic tip of the syringe. Just a thought. Works good for me but maybe jayd can tell me if this is not a good thing to do. Good luck to you and the twins. --JD
  22. I just read the whole thread. Very good info there. Her's seem a little smaller than mine for the same age. Maybe mine could be a week or two older but the birth date she gave me was 3/23. Or maybe they all just grow at different rates. Here is a link I dug up to sort of go by for their first 12 weeks. You probably have seem this though. http://www.babygreys.co.uk/12-weeks.htm
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