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Everything posted by paulina

  1. I saw the post: http://www.greyforums.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=98&catid=3&Itemid=8 for when to go to a wellness check and saw tail pumping as a symptom and even thou I just took kenya to the vet for a check up not too long ago (about 4 months ago) I was nervous the vet missed something! she only does the left and right quick fluttering so that seems more likely to be a preening deal, so ill be sure to watch for when she does it! otherwise she is eating great breathing normal and seems perfectly fit thanks for your responses I just got nervous and wanted to make sure my little one is ok
  2. paulina

    Sad yet Good!

    That's so terrible!!! I can't stand any person who hurts any living creature! I think they give up the right to have respect towards their own lives... What is there that we can to do help? I'd love to find some way to help these poor lovelies
  3. My beautiful little Kenya bird (my five year old congo) like to quickly "wag" her tail back and forth when I'm with her, but I was reading in the health forums that tail pumping is a bad sign. Is there a difference between the two or is any sort of tail action a bad sign? What exactly is tail pumping? I was hoping to find at least a Youtube video to see but I can't find any of the sort. ~Paulina
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