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Everything posted by Elvenking

  1. Here is Issac the day that I brought him home. He enjoyed nestling in a blue towel that I rolled up into a kind of donut for his tenth week of life. Shortly after that he was perching and left his floor bed behind. It seems so long ago now....ohh my lil baby.<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/25 23:52
  2. That seems to be one of those unique things you have going with Yoshi. Issac just sleeps on his monkey tail boing thing that hangs from the top of his cage. I always come out in the morning and peek in on him just before taking off his cage cover. You must post a picture of this activity if you possibly can. LOL.
  3. Jill...what is that jar of thick orange stuff (looks like a variety of Palm oil) that your baby is eating? I see a Macaw on the label so I imagine this comes from a parrot food store or something.
  4. Yes, Dave. I went ahead and got some on order this morning. You should have seen some of the stores I went to yesterday. I was asking, "Yeah, I am looking for dry bean mixes like a 15 bean mix and or a bean salad mix. Oh yes, and do you carry Red Palm Oil." They stared at me like I was doing interplanetary travel and that I had just missed my planet at the last stop. I did finally find a store that carried a 16-bean mix. If there are any other fantasic products that birds seem to enjoy, I am open to links to those as well.
  5. I just found some 16 bean mix last ngiht that I am going to soak over the next day. I hope he likes it. But your routine sounds pretty close to mine. I am just looking to see what works for people and get ideas on how to care for my baby beyond what I already know. He's still weaning.
  6. Hi Spock, this is Issac. I can't tell you how much fun I have flying about my daddy's place. The best place to be is right on his shoulder, that way I can be there for everything he does. I will not let him in the kitchen without a thorough investigation as to what is going on. The black box that makes beeping noises always seems to put out some kind of goodie. I try to let my daddy know when I want him to use it by making those beep noises my self, he seems to get it most of the times. Like you, I like the computer, I try to help daddy type but he is always moving me off. It seems to drive him crazy, how fun. Sometimes he misplaces me back on my cage, but I quickly correct that with a nice flight back to his shoulder. Sometimes I poop and it fills my daddy with joy, other times, he doesn't appear so pleased. I wish I could figure this guy out. The world is pretty new to me still, and looking outside fills me with great wonder, I can see and hear all kinds of things going on in the lot. Well, I have some toys to chew on for now. Take care Spock, yer a good guy <br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/25 19:58
  7. Lol....that is too funny. Issac goes nuts with things flying or floating in the air. Even his own downy feathers. He flutters his wings and lets out a big "Raaaawwwkkk raaaawwkk". I don't think he has seen a bug yet though.
  8. So I have gotten a load of suggestions for bird foods and recipies. Now what I am really interested in is seeing how the days feeding schedule goes for those who give their birds a happy healthy diet. Things I am interested in are: Amounts..like if you do give nuts or seed mix, how many or much. How many separate bowls or do you just lump everythign together. What times of day do you give food and which foods. Things like that. Right now, I give Issac his formula first thing in the morning, and when I get home after work around dinner time. Before I leave for work in the morning, I cut up a little bit of every veggie I have. This morning that was red bell pepper, broccoli, sugar snap peas, butternut squash, carrot, and a bit of pear as well. I also top of his seed\nut mix and fresh water. I will throw about 6 pine nuts in sometimes as well. Not sure how much nuts to let him have. Then there is the futile effort of putting pellets in, as I do not know if he is grinding them up yet. If he is, I have never seen it. I just want to guide my little friend down the right path and make sure he is kept healthy. So please, on with the suggestions and your own schedules as well. Thanks! Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/25 19:18<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/25 19:19
  9. Too bad Palm Nuts are impossible to get where I live. I also will have to order the red palm oil online as not at store that I could find carries it. And I live in San Diego where most everything is available somewhere. I did make some of this carrot, broccoli, egg recipie I was given. He seems to like it a little. I think he is still attached to his formula as well. I tried to give him the cooked goodies this morning and he was like, mmmm...I don't think so. But afterwards I left it on the counter and he eventually (after formula) went to go pick at it for a few minutes. He still rips through veggies during the afternoon. Pellets, I dunno really. I might have to try something other than Harrisons as well. Maybe I will have to count them before I leave one time to see if he is grinding them. But I imagine I would see pellet dust on the bottom of the cage. I took some photos this morning of the lil guy. I tried to get him in flight with his wings fully spread, but this takes time. Instead I got this one which is still interesting. It's neat to see the way the wings actually curl inwards at points. Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/25 18:41<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/25 18:42
  10. Actually, "no" works a lot for Issac. I am convinced he knows what it means. However, they do have those times where they just wanna bite something. When he is out, I am pretty much on duty to make sure he plays with the right things. If I know I am going to be distracted for an extended period of time, I will place him in his cage. It's not a prison, just not as fun as being out...he finds ways to entertain himself. That and having loads of toys on hand helps too. I make a concentrated effort to keep his playground fun. I am also finding that in general, the methods to any madness constantly have to evolve with the personality of Issac. What worked when I first got him, may not work anymore. They are such dynamic creatures. Amazingly child-like. PS: I just saw your comment about track lighting and the height of that. That poses a unique challenge and you will defeinitely have to make the exposed cords bite proof by whatever means. Sure clipping would keep him from getting up there, but I think it's too much to sacrifice when you may be able to solve that particular problem.<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/25 00:33
  11. Very well put Dan. That is more of the observation I see with my two birds. I also have a Green Cheek Conure that sees nothing of rushing my Grey, Issac, off of his cage. Nipping at his feet. This is a stage that has long since passed. Issac now knows that Pedro's cage is no place to land. At any rate, I am pretty sure that neither of these birds gets the idea that they are going to dominate me. After all, I am where the food comes from.
  12. LOL...I was wrong! Congrats on your beautiful boy!
  13. Okay...I will probably be able to find Red Palm Oil at a local organic health food shop near here called Trader Joes. I will try there before I order online because I would like to get some today. If not...online I go. And yes, the Palm Nuts cannot be found in the states darn it, I got him some pine nuts instead that I feed him sparingly as treats...he loves em! I will try to get the bean salad mix and or the 15 bean mix. I will soak em and wash em good. I am super protective of my baby.
  14. Lol...keep my flying bird lower than me at all times??? Yeah...that's gonna work. I gave up on that on day one. And he loves riding around on my shoulder, so long as he is well behaved...he can stay there. If he should start to be dominating, a quick stint in the cage can set that straight...so far I haven't had to do that...knock on wood. Below you will see his playground. Climb away boy! Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/24 19:46<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/24 19:47
  15. These are all really great ideas! @JillyBeans: Do you have to soak the dried bean salad mix you get? @Dave: Can I get this Red Palm Oil at my local grocery store in the US?
  16. So what would be the target weight I am lookin for? I can tell you that he would be at the top end, as he is one of the larger greys I have seen.
  17. Well heck....it appears that they are really only about 25 dollars. I thought it would be more like 100+. I will get him a scale tonight and let you know how much he weighs very soon. Rest assured...he is a healthy boy! Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/23 21:08<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/23 21:08
  18. I really don;t know how much he weighs. I don;t have the extra cash to get a scale for him at the moment. I have been told I should follow his weight, but that might just give me something to obsess about. He looks great though. If anyone has a reference for a cheap scale...I would consider getting one. All I know is I am not worried about his eating...he is still getting his formula and working through his veggies and fruit plenty.
  19. Yeah...they only stay cuddly for so long, and I am being sure to soak these times up. Just in videos you can tell how much more deliberate and how much more assertive the sounds they make are. The day he stops considering me the primary destination, I will let you know..but for now, I am loving the attention.
  20. I love him so much. I think about him like my own blood. He is extremely special to me and I play, love, and care for him like I would my own daughter. (Who is 7...lol.) I sit in amazement at his beauty so often. He preens on me and I comment to him on how beautiful he is. He bends down for scratches...I just love this bird beyond. The english language needs new words for this connection. Lol...he always comes when I say...c'mere and make a little click sound...so sweet. He's way more than I ever would imagine. HE gooo'booy. LOL.<br><br>Post edited by: Elvenking, at: 2010/03/23 07:25
  21. I just find it incredibly cheesy that they couldn't find a bird of their own to photograph. They will not get any of my business. Just to see how their customer relations are. What a bunch of shmucks.
  22. You see now I feel stupid again. So for every cup of the above mix, use 2 cups of water? Are all the ingredients meantioned before the prep instrutions...the 'dry mix'?
  23. Wow...that is a collosal recipie. Something simpler would be nice. I suppose I could shrink the recipie as well. I guess you don't need every bean listed. I would also hate ot make such a huge recipie and have him turn up his beak. Though I have not tried any beans yet. I will print this link for sure as it is a great source. Thanks.
  24. Lol...I appreciate your confidence in my abilities...but me in a kitchen is kinda like handing a razorblade to a baby...it just doesn't often turn out well. Thsi a great recipie though. Only part I don;t get is when you say "1 Cup Dry to 2 cups water". If you clear that up...I can probably do this. What is the dry mix you refer to. And some parts say '2 4 tablespoons'...is that 2-4? I guess it isn't that critcal. You mix all of this together and they like it. That is a major combo...lol!
  25. I have seen a few birdie veggie mash recipies out there but am now having a hard time tracking any down that will speak to the inexperienced cooker in me. I kind of need specific mix instrcutions and such as I am not a great or experienced baker. LOL. An understatement. On the grill...I am good though...HA! So send your links my way or paste some good treats for my baby Issac. Thank you.
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