Echo's trimmed flight feathers have officially grown out and she is fully flighted! (well, mostly, we're still waiting on one more feather on each wing). This is a decision I have agonized over for a year. I've researched the pros and cons to death, and simply can't bring myself to trim her wings. However, it seems like everywhere I turn, I'm hearing about some bird getting lost. Everything I pick up to read, websites, even a friend sent me a picture message asking for help for a parrot they found on the ground at work. (The frantic owner posted fliers everywhere, and the bird was returned within hours) Needless to say, all of this is stressing me out. I couldn't bare to lose either of my birds. Echo's also due for her yearly check up at the end of October, and I dread having to battle this issue with the vet. So, I need words of encouragement that I'm doing the right thing! Also, it would be great to get some helpful hints on keeping my fully flighted bird safe in the house. So far, all ceiling fans have been made inoperable, and when the birds are out, there are two secure doors between them and the outside. Anything else I should be doing?