I have a TAG now a year old. She has been with me since 5 months old. She does a loud screech when she does not like something and she pins her pupils in her eyes. It is bird language for "stop that" Sophie started with whistles. I taught her a wolf whistle and after repeating it quite a lot she got it down... now it is amazing. She says so many things I can't list. I found that giving her a favorite treat after she even trys a new whistle or says something new she catches on that she gets a treat. You may regret it though... Soph now says "Sophie birdy bird" every time I walk away because she knows she gets a seed. My favorite is the cow elk call my husband taught her. She barks at the dogs, quacks, meow's , what cha doing, she tries to whistle the adams family song with a wolf whistle she added to the end. So funny and such a sense of humor.They don't perform well for strangers so keep that in mind when you want to show her off. Have patience and keep up the great work with Timmy.