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Everything posted by ayaat

  1. i am planning to get his dna test soon. i bought rockey so that my daughters can play with him hope he becomes a good and decent bird. thank u again
  2. i bought rockey when he was 4 months old and he is with me since 4 months so average he is 8 months plus. my wife has so far not even touched him coz she is very scared , i have 2 little daughter who used to play with rockey in the initial stage but off late he has been aggressive with them too(not bitten them so far but it might bite). when does the actual grey start talking??? hope he is trying to just play and not bite my wife. thanks
  3. hi judy. i just made my wife read ur reply so that it will build her confidence and she can remain calm. well i didnt notice if the beak was open but will chk his behavior next time. i think rockey is a female coz it sticks to me like a glue come around me where ever i go around the house. Rockey seems to b a very moody bird some times it also tries to bite me if i force him to step up command. also it does not talk much when i am around but says few words when i keep him in the balcony alone. how do i train him to talk???? Rockey is a non veg bird who loves mutton and chicken and eat them happily . hope that does affect his health. thanx for you reply
  4. hi i have african grey rockey which is said to be 8 months plus . now tis bird is attached to me more then any 1 in the family off late the bird starts running towards my wife with his wings open , dunno if it wont to play or is he trying to attack her. when v sit down it comes running (walking fast ) with his wings nd feathers open and tis action of his make my wife panic!!!!!! pls advice what exactly is he trying to do . this behavior is forcing me to sell the bird which i am confused pls guide and help
  5. well the eyes are not fully black but i can see little of yellow ring on it so it should be little old,do they come with some document???coz it has a ring and has some no 43 written on it maybe some tag no... i have a open stand in which i keep them all day and at night i close it in a cage, the problem is v have the hall fully carpeted so it messes a lot so i think the cage will be a better option.so far v have been giving apples and plumps v also tried giving boiled egg,rice,carrot but it didn't show much interest maybe it will take time. i wanted to know if v shd keep a daily meal routine???? i know it a new home and new owner so v r also going slow with it we want it to settle and be comfortable with the new home , shall post the picture soon and thank u very much for Ur guidance
  6. Hello everybody. i am new to this wonderful site which give all details abt the Grey it just been 2 days since i bought this Grey which is 4 month old (that wat the pet store guy told me )it looks big but the eye is black so cant get the exact age. well i have named this pet as ROCKY coz the store guy told me it a male...now rocky is a bit lazy so far coz i have kept it open in my hall and at night i keep it in the cage now i am still confused abt keeping it open or closed . well i have been giving rocky apples and plumps which he loves the most.i also give the mix nuts diet which is available at the store, wanted to know if i have to keep a schedule time for food or not. i need to train him become a friendly parrot coz when i hold him he bites and does not like to b in the cage. hope rocky become a part of our family bye
  7. hey thanx for the info now i have to keep those in stock and hope my grey enjoys it
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