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Everything posted by caseyandmikey

  1. Today my mother and I found a Robin egg in perfect condition under a bush. We brought it home and put it on some soft socks and under a lamp. I put a portable heater on high as I've read the incubation temperature is above 90 degrees. I have soft music playing and have my Grey away from the egg. Is there any chance for this fetus? I want to be sure I do everything possible to give it a fighting chance. If s/he does hatch..what should I do about feeding, care, etc? Any info would be appreciated. Thank you. what would be the safest and most efficient way to candle the egg? I couldn't see anything with one light. Would flashlights or candles be better? I watched a few videos and am having trouble understanding what each thing means. If there's red then the embryo died but if there's black it's alive? I'm sorry I am just confused and want to try to do the right thing. Thank you.
  2. Dave, Thank you for your advice. Everything you said makes a lot of sense. He does have a lot of hours of playing on his play gym and flying around when we put some of the cats away. Now that the weather is nice we have begun taking him for stroller walks until we figure out his harness. Thank you again maybe switching cages is the best way to go
  3. luvparrots and Jill, Thank you very much for your responses. I do try to have him with everyone for many hours every day. My room is really the pet hangout where the dogs,my mom and I stay with Mikey. When I am at school my mom comes in with the dogs and hangs out with him. He is almost never alone. The only problem with keeping him down all the time is the other pets. We have 5 cats and 2 dogs. Everyone does great with him except one cat seems to be too interested in him. Maybe within time we can get that cat better under control and move Mikey down. Thank you very much for the help.
  4. You are such a beautiful grey Spock. I wish you nothing but the best. You are a little fighter and you will get well. You are all in my prayers.
  5. I am sorry you are having this trouble. I wish I had some advice for you. I just want to be sure to wish you the best of luck. Do your best to stay strong and know that you are being a great parront to your baby. Try not to get discouraged. You are in my thoughts. Good luck
  6. Every day when I come home from school I bring Mikey downstairs. His main cage is in my room and we have a smaller one in the living room for when he wants to be with the other pets. Today I had my mother try to get him to bring him down. When he refused to step up she tried leaving the room, bringing treats and even sitting in another part of the room ignoring him. The most he would do is fly around in circles refusing to land on her. My brother went up to try and got bit. Mikey is almost 7 months old and we have had him almost 2 months. About 2 weeks ago my mother was in the hospital for a week. Since she came home it seems like Mikey doesn't trust her any more. How can I get him to accept others and not just let me handle him? Are there any games or exercies I can do with my family and him to get Mikey to like them all? I thought I was doing well with keeping him social but I guess not as well as I thought. Any help would be appreciated I really don't want him to be a one person bird. Thank you. Casey
  7. I am so sorry to hear this. I wish you the best of luck. Stay strong for your baby. You are in my thoughts.
  8. Our power was out for about a day also from that storm. The house got pretty cold but Mikey was okay. Poor baby kept thinking it was night night time all the time because the sun never came up. I think your bird will be okay. Hopefully your power will be back soon also. Good luck and be careful 6 people have been killed by falling trees over the weekend.
  9. Hey Jill I am sorry to hear of the trouble you are having with Harvey. Mikey is pretty bad with step up when he wants to be also. I have tried re training step up and down to him as if it is the first time everytime with red grapes cut in fours. Harvey doesn't go for that kind of stuff? Now I just keep my mouth shut and take the bites. I knew it would hurt but daaamn. Leaving the room is the only thing that works quickly and painlessly.Once my anger subsides I go back and simply ask him once more. Once he is close to the cage I make sure his feet are gripping me tightly and I try to make him feel a little unsteady as I put his beak to his perch which he then grabs quickly. I am sorry I don't have good advice but I do wish you the best of luck. Stay strong.
  10. Aww Dee I am so happy for you. What a cute name for your baby. I wish you many many happy years with your sweetie. Congratulations you deserve this.
  11. Some things that may help you are some foraging toys or babble balls. The babble balls come in animal sounds and human sounds that talk when they are played with. I know it doesn't help much. Whatever I give Mikey when I am leaving he drops it which makes me feel horrible but leaving him with these kinds of toys gives me hope that he is occupying himself. Half the time I run to see him when i'm home he's sleeping and I wake him up accidently and he's all "what are you so happy about? I'm trying to sleep" they do enjoy having some alone time it is important for them to learn how to be independent. Your doing great. Issac gets a lot of time with you and he's very loved.
  12. I am so sorry you are going through this. You do so much good for others and deserve to have healthy fids. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay strong.
  13. What a cute idea for a thread. Thank you for it Dave Dee that is wonderful I am so happy for you and wish you all the happiness in the world Joy is feeling Mikey's soft little head nuzzled under my neck as I carry him around the house.
  14. They sure do lose a lot of downy feathers you are lucky to have help Xtreme575. They are very soft though. Everytime he pulls some off I say "baby fluff" I guess that has to stop if it lasts forever lol. Wow Jooles that is a lot of feathers they must be very pretty. I sure hope you are right and it is just his molt. I hope he isn't plucking and wish you the best with him.
  15. Thank you everyone for your responses. Be careful taking days off to be with your baby Elvenkking you may never want to go back. It's so hard to lock him up even though I know he has plenty of toys and a huge cage. But there really is no better feeling than coming home to their whistles and talking. Jane08 that is a good point about having positive feelings thank you for that reminder. You have some fantastic ideas for foraging toys. They can be so expensive but I do have one. I will be trying those ideas with apples and peppers for sure. Thank you again
  16. Thank you Dan and Jooles for your help. I just wanted to be sure he wasn't uncomfortable with the temperature in the house or anything. Thank you
  17. Thank you very much for your reply Jill. They sure know how to keep us on our toes and always asking questions about them. Now I can scrap book the feather without worry. Thank you
  18. A few days ago one of Mikey's tail feathers was in his food bowl. He is going to be 6 months old in March. Is this normal for him to do? He hasn't lost any other feathers. Also when he preens he is always pulling off little bits of fluff. Is this him shedding his baby feathers or do greys do this all their lives? Do you think losing this one tail feather is something to worry about? He is eatting, pooping, playing, talking and whistling so other than this he seems fine. Thank you for any help.
  19. Whenever I have to leave Mikey to go to school or take the dogs out he gets so upset. He screams and whistles as I shut the door. The other day he got so worked up he fell off his perch. Does it ever get a little easier to leave them or is it always hard? He has plenty of things to do in his cage and always has music and the tv on but I still feel guilty leaving him for any period of time. What do you guys do to ease their little tantrums and feel a little better about leaving them?
  20. Is there a certain way their feet and beaks should feel? Like for cats and dogs it is good when their noses are wet and cold. Should greys beaks and/or feet be a certain temperature? Sometimes Mikey's feet feel a little cold but are usually warm as is his beak. Any info on this is appreciated. Thank you
  21. I just wanted to let everyone know that www.superparrots.com is having a sale on their items. Â Winter Blowout 24 Hour Sale! - Limited Time Only- 12% off. Enter coupon code SALE for 12% off your entire order including sale priced items. Free shipping is still included with any order over $50. This sale ends Thursday at 7 pm EST.
  22. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay strong for your baby. Please keep us informed. Good luck
  23. This is wonderful. Good job putting that radio ad out. Give Pepper a hug from all of us. You did great being persistent and staying strong.
  24. What a beautiful idea this is. You will help save many birds so I thank you in advance. Please post pictures so we can see how it progresses. Good luck and have fun with it.
  25. This is a post from www.africangreyforum.com. Try posting there about Pepper also. If anyone lives in your area I'm sure they will come help you. The more people you tell the better. Stay strong Having your parrot fly off can be a devastating experience. Unlike other domesticated pets who may roam the streets wearing a collar with a tag, parrots often fly up and away to hide in the safety of a tree and remain quiet as not to be seen. Many do not have the flying skills to fly down to their owners even if they are spotted. Often, they are so scared and confused by their surroundings that they are unable to find their way home, even if they wanted to. Remember the "One Mile/One Month Rule": When looking for a lost bird, remember that and during the first month following "escape," a lost parrot usually stays within a one-mile radius of where it was lost. Also note not to limit your search just locally as greys can fly up to 50 miles a day. When searching for your bird, look HIGH and LOW. Often birds will hide under things or behind things. Search bushes and all low lying areas. Put his cage outside, full of his favorite junk-food, and leave the door open. Canvas the neighborhood. Take a recording of your bird and walk around playing it. Walk with a friend. Have them walk behind you, listening to a response from your bird.Call your bird by name. Don't be shy about calling attention to yourself. The more attention you receive, the more people know about your missing bird. Your bird will tend to be more vocal at dawn and dusk. Talk to kids...they often speak the truth and will confess to a found bird or will know who to come to if one is found. Make posters advertising your lost bird with a description, picture and contact information. Offer a REWARD. You do not need to advertise reward amounts, but keep in BOLD LARGE letters. Supply the posters to neighbors, pet stores, veterinarians, and shelters as soon as possible. Hang them on telephone poles at stop lights. Place them in your area supermarket. Place an ad in the Lost & Found section of any newspapers in your area. Many local papers will run this ad for free. Contact Bird clubs in your area. They often have newsletters that are published monthly and will gladly run your lost ad. Many local TV stations also run free ads on the community channel. Sometimes radio stations also run a similar service. Most Importantly: Be stubborn and dedicated about finding your bird. Parrots are very adaptable and can live successfully in the wild in many parts of the United States. Your best chance for getting your bird back is if you are proactive! Don’t give up and don’t just do what I have mentioned once. Several rounds of fliers, ads and calls might be in order to get your baby home. More Links: 911parrotalert birdsnways birdhotline birdmart petfinder birdboard Your local Craigslist
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