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Everything posted by BaronToxic

  1. Thanks alot for posting this very good information!
  2. Hehe thanks alot, and yes it is a mess but they it could have been worse. I thank you all very much for the warm welcome and I look forward to browse this forum through. Best Regards, Patrick
  3. Hehe... well it has never been my intention to breed on them, but to have fun with them and learn them new words or songs... We have learned them a few hehe.. Mostly danish songs. It's not that bad actually regarding the pomegranate, as long as I clean the cage and wall on daily basis I dont got any camera at the moment, but I hope I'll get one to my birthday at the 11th of December. But I will gladly share some of the pictures that I'll might get sooner or later Best Regards, Patrick<br><br>Post edited by: BaronToxic, at: 2009/11/11 17:02
  4. Hehe thanks alot for the kind words:) Yes i'm a very busy and happy man, and I love my parrots over anything else. My first parrot is Amalie, she is 3 years old, and I had her since she was 4 months, she have a good time with one of the male parrots, his name is Viktor and he is soon 4 years old, I got him last August They are comeing along just fine, they are kissing but I can still come and cuddle them from time to time hehe... it could be fun (in the future) to see a few hatchlings from their part. My other two parrots are Gøja and Charlie. I bought Gøja 2 and a half year ago, Gøja is 9 years and 8 months (soon 10) and she is a very talktive parrot, the best thing is to hang around my mother but she is a very "open" parrot, the whole family can actually cuddle with her, and she loves it! Charlie my last parrot is 12 years and I took him over after an old lady I knew for a long time, she died last year, and I decided to take good care of him since he already knew me abit The best thing my parrots can eat is Pomegranate, it's a red apple-formed thing with small red juicy corns inside, and of course not to forget they love me
  5. Hello all! First of all I want to excuse for my pretty poor english. I'm a new member here, and I would like to introduce my self and of course my parrots. Let's start off with me.. My name is Patrick, and i'm from Denmark. At the moment I study to become a teacher and in my spare time I spend alot time doing homework and of course haveing fun with my parrots. At the moment I got 4 African Grey parrots and their names are Amalie, Viktor, Gøja and Charlie. It's two couples... One of the best things they know is when I play music with a high volume, they are all danceing like I was paying them to do it... hehehe... Thanks alot for your time, and sorry but I'm abit down with things like introduceing my self Best Regards, Patrick
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