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About Piper

  • Birthday 07/21/1985


  • Location
    South Africa-Gauteng


  • Occupation

Piper's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hello Piper. My name is Chantelle and I am also from South Africa. I sent you a friend request, and hope you will accept.

  2. Happy Birthday!! :) :)

  3. Happy Birthday! :)

  4. Happy birthday :)

  5. Jayd

    Happy B-Day!!!! Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the Flock

  6. This is so funny! Piper does the same. He loves cuddling with my feet more than anything. Overall he loves feet and toes but he doesn't like my mom's toes. If he sees her bare feet he chases at her toes and bites them. it really hurts though. But it is hillarious!!! Little toe fetish of him!
  7. Danmcq; sorry, correction.. Its about 18-20 dec celcius inside our home. Outside its a bit colder! I'll try the aloe vera gel, thanks for the advice. so far Piper is doing well, getting lost of extra special attention and love and destructable toys!! thanks all!
  8. thank you for all your replies and advice!!! I really appreciate it a lot!!! I will try the aloe vera juice! all that bothers me, I leave home early in the morning and during winter time it's quite cold. Would it be ok to mist him when its about 10deg celcius in the morning? Wouln't he be too cold? Summer will be here soon, so its only for now that's its nippy in the mornings! I made him a nice toy last night, with lots of macaroni and shoe laces. it kept him busy for a little while but he loved that!!! I'll try foraging toys as well. for now he has many shredding toys which I must rotate regularly. thanks for all the advice people!!!
  9. Just a little update on Piper. Piper will be ok. I was at the Vet on Friday. They took x rays of his wings and practically his whole body. Nothing is broken or cracked. After a long and thorough inspection the Doc decided it’s not necessary for blood tests, as he eats healthy and is not sick. It appears that Piper is one of those unlucky birdies that chew his wings for the fun of it. Something triggered the chewing, like moving to another home, a new person in our home, a new pet, changing my hair colour, something that frightened him or basically almost anything could have triggered it. From there on it was a nasty habit! He will most likely never lose this habit, but it’s going to take a lot of effort from my side to keep him busy so he will be distracted from chewing his wings. Creativity with lots of chewable toys and a healthy diet is supposed to do the job. Oh, and the doc says he’s a feisty little parrot and is most likely on his Terrible Two stage. Whahahah I think he bit the living hell out of the poor Doc when he took him for x rays! If anyone has any ideas on how I can keep Piper active with toys and distracted from his wings, would you kindly let me know. He has a nice big cage, and lots of toys which I rotate regularly. But I need something more! Thank you for all the support and prayers!
  10. Hi all Please keep Piper in your thoughts tomorrow. He’s going to the Vet for blood tests and x-rays. He was literally chewing his wings edges in the beginning of this year and I had him at the vet cause the first thing they thought was that it might be metal poisoning. He wasn’t sick, ate well, and was still chirpy and talkative. And had no blood in his poop. (apparently that’s some signs of metal poisoning.) Ok, so it wasn’t metal poisoning. And the doc didn’t know what the problem was. The doc gave him a Vit B injection and told me Piper needs more exercise cause he is a little bit overweight. I changed his diet to what the doc said etc. And I got him a nice BIG cage, with lots of chewable toys to keep him busy and we did excercise like the doc said. The one wing healed and he stopped chewing it, but he kept on chewing the other one. To such an extent that it started bleeding. He must have bumped it somewhere against the cage and it was blood all over. Any grey owners worst nightmare!!! It stopped bleeding fast, luckily. But it must be very painful cause he screamed incredibly! I was at the vet again, and he now has to go back tomorrow for blood tests to so they can see why he’s still chewing that wing and if it got infected from bleeding. And X-rays to see if he maybe broke a small bone in his wing. For the time being, he has to stay in his cage so that he doesn’t injure that wing even more. He will be 2years old in November. Please hold your thumbs that Piper will get the needed medical treatment?!
  11. Hi all I still live with my parents and my mom loves Piper (my grey). I had Piper since he was about 3 months old and we have a close bond. He is about 2years old now. However, my mom would love to cuddle with him like I do. I can hug him, squeeze him and kiss him all over and he just loves it. Can I teach him to be as cuddly and loveable with my mom? She feeds him a lot of the time and gives him lots of attention. He must like her cause he copies her voice and sayings more than mine. so I believe deep down inside he really likes her but is too "proud" to show his feelings. but he doens't want to climb on to her hands or shoulder. He's not a nippy, bity grey.
  12. Thanks dave! I got your reply on Bathing #1 i will try this as well and see what happens! thanks for your advice. this forum really help me a lot! thanks!!!!!
  13. Well that's good to hear! Thanks!!!
  14. HI All! My little baby is a year old this month and he's a boy. He is making funny hissing noises. It almost sounds like he is sneezing. But it's definately not sneezing. He does this continuesly then bounces around and spreads his wings to the front of his body. Like he is showing off. And then he wants to throw up. He does this every time we watch tv, play or just having fun. Why does he do this? What is he telling me? I've also heard that it's not good for them to throw up, is this true? Hope you can help me with this.
  15. Thanks for all the response. I thought I was the "only parent with a naughty boy" ;-) He has lots of toys and he eats better and healthier food than I do! His name is Piper. Have a good day all!
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