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Everything posted by Malikah

  1. Thanks for the update Mark, I hope she continues to improve and is eventually able to get off the meds.
  2. I haven't heard from you in a while Mark, I hope all is well with you and your zoo!
  3. I just love this thread. And this is my favoritest picture of Oliver. I copied it to my desktop. He is just sooo happy and proud looking.
  4. I'll bet I could rummage around Neil's room and still find some happy meal toys. Keeping my fingers crossed for Anya having good test results next week.
  5. I spray Kito with it all the time and although I avoid spraying her face, I have never seen her eyes get irritated. Your mileage may vary.
  6. Woo hoo, Gilbert is actually playing!!
  7. Wonderful! My naked little conure and i would play the flying game. She would sit on my shoulder and I would make short runs and she would flap as if she was flying too. She loved it!
  8. How sweet! I love the Shrek peeking out of her sleeve.
  9. Isn't it weird to be taking your fids outside in March? Loving it here too, but it just seems wrong. LOL!
  10. Oh duh, I forgot about his frozen wing. He looks so darn happy in those pictures. Awww, what a sweeetie Stewart is turning into. I'll probably cry too if Scarlet ever let's me pet her. It sounds like he is trying to feed you. Be careful not to encourage that too much so he doesn't get hormonal.
  11. Thank you Dee, and boy she sure has. Mr. Lee Birdsdontbelonginthehouse is her new favorite. Last night she was laying on his chest while he was laying on the couch. She was getting too close to his face for his comfort so I had to come and rescue him. The little stinker bit me twice and boy she meant it. When I put her back in her cage she fluffed and said no no don't bite ow ouch! LOL! She can hate me all she wants as long as she is happy.
  12. Awesome! It makes me a little nervous to see him outside without a harness, but I know nothing about macaws. I went back and looked at the first pictures you took and to me it looks like he is putting on weight. Is that true? :::fingers crossed:::
  13. Keeping my fingers crossed for those flight feathers! After Kito chewed hers all off to nubs last winter it was quite scary as they grew back without others to protect them. Two or three times she crashed and had one dripping blood. Luckily I was able to get them to clot again with corn starch. I don't ever want to go through that again!
  14. {{{Dee}}} I'm so happy for you both!!
  15. LOL! At least you are good enough to be "used" and he was gracious enough not to injure you (on purpose) for your kindness. Kito is (of course) afraid of her feather duster. I'm sure she'll warm up to it in a day or two.
  16. I know how you feel, a tiny bit jealous but just so happy for him that he has found a human to love. ♥ I don't know if you saw it, but I posted that you can get aloe vera juice at walmart by the laxatives and such. I just picked up a gallon yesterday and it was less than $8. I don't dillute it, that's all I ever use to bathe my birds. Oh and when I had a naked bird I hung a big feather duster in her cage. Hey, duh, why didn't I think of that for Kito too! {{{murfchck}}} Gotta run to the store now!
  17. Dee you made me cry. :*) What a beautiful post.
  18. Thank you for the update. I'm glad you had a nice weekend with them.
  19. WOW! After a whole year it's almost like he's a brand new bird! Enjoy getting to know this new Gilbert.
  20. It's soo sweet. But yeah, not on the stove, and the dog germs. But it's so sweet. Thanks for sharing Judy!
  21. 1. You have just finished getting ready to go out and notice the papers under your birds favorite deer mount to perch on are out of place so you bend down to fix them and she promptly lands there and poops on your head. 2. You adopt an old lady parrot from the rescue and she barely tollerates you but loves everyone else in the house. 1. You are thankful that the poop didn't get on the carpet and you go re-wash your hair. 2. You ignore her threats to bite talk sweetly to her and are happy that she loves someone.
  22. It's so nice to hear from you Paul! Thanks for the detailed explanation of what worked for you and Missy. Wishing you many years of happiness with her.
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