Hi All
Well, the good news is that Elvis is now eating and drinking. He seems to be doing it in secret. Left him for a few hours last night (went to see my horse) and came into the room to find him eating. He stops when you come in, so left him to it. He did the same thing this morning. He even managed to climb from his top perch, down inside to eat, so I feel so much better.
We handled him a lot more yesterday and I told my husband just to talk to him or whistle lightly and he seems to feel comfortable with that - no growling/squawking.
He was hand-reared before we bought him. The man was his only owner, so I am sure there is an element of adjustment required and am sure Elvis is also upset about being taken from the man.
Bahrain is big in its birds and horses. Some of you may dislike me for this, but we didn't personally find Elvis, a friend did for us. He spent several weeks looking. There were some financial reasons for this - the price would double for an expat face, but also the friend has had African Grey's (or Classico's as they call them}) for a long time and he took a friend with similar experience, so that they found us the right bird. We visited several pet shops on the island who had parrots for sale, but they were vicious, would squawk and hide at the back of the cage.
We do have vets here but no specialist Avian vets. I do however have a close lady friend at the stables who has bred parrots and birds for many many years and that in fact is her occupation. I spoke to her last night and she offered me some very insightful advice and I am starting to feel much happier about Elvis.
I have attached a photo of him as requested and hope you like him.
Thank you once more for the friendly and helpful advice in a very nerve-racking time.
Raleej337 - Bahrain is wonderful, I moved here from UK over a year ago and will never leave. It holds a special place in lots of peoples hearts