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Everything posted by ledaadwan

  1. Hi All! First off, I love this site! Friendly and helpful bird people make me visit here often. For me, it was love at first sight. The first time I met an African Grey I was in total awe! Since then I have devoured any information I could about these birds. I was owned by a huge CAG until we decided to move overseas a year ago. Needless to say, it was a tearful goodbye. But I vowed to find another feathered friend. Just less than a week ago I finally got my big guy, my daughter named him Rodney Copperbottom. Living in the Middle East I realize they only import wild caught birds, I spent 1 year struggling with this fact, and decided to take baby steps and help one bird at a time. My son has vowed to not go to any bird stores with me any more because I always have to tell the owner how to take care of the birds, cage off the floor, clean water, varied diet,among other things! I have a few birds in my life and realize it takes time to bond, but I feel it might take a while for this guy to come around. The bird store ownder said he is 13 months old, but I doubt that. He is not hand tame, but loves to come out of his cage and flap his wings, I can see he has been trimmed, I keep hoping who ever did it was nice and didnt traumatize him. He wont take food from me, but only fluffs up and gives a click of his beak(sounds like a fingernail clipper!)The thing that drew me to him was how he watched me in the store, while I was talking and asking questions, he only watched me, like he was taking it all in. He isnt scared, but does growl or squawk if I get too close, like when trying to give him a treat. So far the only training I have tried is isnt really "training", I talk to him nicely and sit by his cage, usually on the floor and talk to him trying to not make eye contact. I also let him see me sleep, I feel if he sees me not moving or making noise that he will keep looking at me and decide Im not too bad. I keep hoping he will come around, I really want to make friends with him and show him how good of a bird "mom" I can be. So any advice is welcome! Leda, and Rodney
  2. Hi, I m getting my grey Saturday. I ve been planning this for months, so excited! I plan to name him either Ash, Arthur or Ziggy. Wont know male or female, but i want a male. Probably when I first see him I will think of a different name, but I am leaning more towards Ash. Wish me luck going downtown, hopefully i dont bring ALL the birds home:)
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