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Everything posted by jessdecutie18

  1. Tonight Yoshi's face looks a bit better, and while quiet still when I got home she did perk up for dinner and enjoyed Macaroni off my plate! (Note the yellow stain in the picture )
  2. Lol you should keep making the rope longer and see how much she is willing to pull
  3. Aww he is adorable... I want one! lol. The Blue Fronts are all so pretty, and Diego's little colorful feathers are so bright! Thanks for sharing
  4. So cool Yoshi has the exact same toy, but she cracked the mirror on the front rough playing a week after we got it. I pulled the rest of it out and now she has no mirror lol.
  5. So I picked Yoshi up Saturday from the breeder lady's house. After being away from each other for 5 days I was really excited to get her back Boy was it loud in there when I went to get her! She looked great, jumped up on my shoulder and talked a little as I gathered her stuff. She seemed a little quieter than usual but other than that her normal self. I think she was just tired, hadn't been getting enough sleep with all the other noisy birds there. Got her back home and she settled in, had a snack, then napped while my husband and I were on the computer. She seems to have a new favorite toy now, that she discovered there and I bought so we could bring it home. It's a small toy with beads and keys. I'll post some pictures later. Yoshi is obviously enjoying flying, getting further, but is somewhat clumsy. Yesterday though she got a nasty little cut between her left eye and nostril... and the pinkish white area around her eye has a couple red flecks... I think it's bruising... At first she was holding out her left wing too and I checked it over but couldn't see anything wrong but a couple ruffled feathers. Thankfully she isn't holding that wing out anymore. What happened is when my husband and I take her to her cage, sometimes instead of waiting she will now fly to it herself, and this time she launched off my husband's hand, aimed for a perch, missed it, and hit the back of the cage before she could do anything to control herself. She fell to the bottom of her cage and slowely started to climb back up. After that she has been nervous of sudden movements and later that night I had a shower and brought her in there so she would still be with me, and she was completely silent. She ALWAYS chatters and has a great time talking in the bathroom... poor girl I know she was probably just a little shoken up still. She seems to flinch away when I go to touch her, but will step up just fine. Perhaps she just doesn't want to be touched because she is hurting? We spent some cuddly time and she happily ate her dinner, some chicken from my dinner, and later a grape. This morning I took her out to hang with me while I got ready for work and she seemed fine. The bruising around her eye looks better today, it seems to be fading. She was still pretty quiet this morning. The picture below is from yesterday right after the incident... poor Yoshi baby
  6. Don't worry guys, I made it clear having unclipped wings was what I wanted for Yoshi. I'm sure it was an amazing sight elvenking I'm so thankful you got Isacc back btw! Thanks guys for the comments, I'll be glad to have Yoshi back come this weekend!
  7. So my husband and I are in South Carolina visiting his family for the week and I dropped Yoshi off at the breeders place yesterday morning. I miss her so much already! We average 4 or 5 weeks away from home a year, and have only been away from Yoshi 3 times in her life and never longer than a week. Our breeder, a very nice lady, takes her for $6 a day, so that's not bad. She loves seeing all her babies grown up I always feel weird leaving her though... She should be just fine, she always gets new toys there and spoilt with foraging nuts and treats. She knows the lady and seems fine with her. The one thing the breeder and I totally disagree on is clipping and she wasn't happy when I boldly said she is growing some flights in and I don't want them clipped. She said Yoshi won't be out as much then and I said okay. She even had the cheek to say that most people that let their birds fly regret it when their birds get away and she would hate for Yoshi to get away and starve because of my decision... Well she is old and stuck in her ways but that did bug me. She was the one who ignored my decision not to clip in the first place and clipped her as a baby. She is a great breeder and caring person too but we just are opposites on the clipping aspect. It's obvious she thinks I'm irresponsible and uneducated to let her be flighted but I think she is the one that should learn more lol. But anyway, I pick Yoshi up Sat morning so I hope she will be alright until then! I feel weird with no bird to look after and give cuddles to!
  8. They sure do have a way of brightening our lives don't they? Yoshi will join me in a chair or the bed sometimes when I'm upset and scoot up close to my hand and bow her head as if to say, 'give me a good scratch it'll make you feel better' and her company always does if I'm ignoring her she will keep scooting and push her head against my hand and just wait lol. She is so funny!
  9. Thank goodness Isacc is back safe and sound! I was so worried seeing this post today because I know you love your Isacc so much! I'm so very happy for you both
  10. It's lovely to hear about your Pippa I'm glad she found such a caring person to be happy with! The pictures are great, looks like you have got a little bit of everything for her to play with and sounds like she is doing well! Perhaps the plucking will stop with time
  11. Aww I bet you wish you could just keep the baby
  12. Thanks guys for your comments Yoshi doesn't know so many people are routing for her
  13. I am completely against clipping. I've shared the story too many times now to go over it again here, but I've clipped before with a previous bird and it didn't help anything. I regretted it so much. IMO clipping is selfish and a mean thing to subject to a naturally flying creature. Yoshi was clipped before I got her and her new flights are growing in now It's obvious that birds love to fly. Now, while my opinion is strong, I will not go out and critisize other with a different view than me. If you feel your bird should be clipped, and I'm sure you have ALL the information on the dangers that still exist and the possibilities of a less happy bird suffering or even never experiencing something it was meant to do for your human convenience, well of course I'll disagree, but that's that. Everyone does what they think is best, it's just up to others to help inform them so they can understand whats best. It makes me sad when I see a 'my bird flew away' story, and the owner gets their bird back, and immediately clips their wings. "I'll never let that happen again! I'll clip the wings as that's responsible!" That idea is so far from the truth, the ability to fly was never the problem, but more the owner's lack of responsibility. If my kid jumps into a pool when I'm not watching and almost drowns, I'm not going to say "I'm keeping my kid away from pools for the rest of her life." No, I'll be more responsible in watching my kid and not take away something fun to them. Just my thoughts... I'd say more, but I've gotta go
  14. Plenty of people take their birds out, at least on harnesses
  15. We have had some nice developments recently! No more words yet, lol, still saying 'Peek-A-Boo' and 'Yoshi' and all her goofy sounds though. The real improvement is flight!!! If you can call it that For those who don't know, Yoshi was clipped after one short flight as a baby, something that made me pretty unhappy, and now at a year and a half a few new feathers have finished growing in. She still has several clipped feathers, still waiting for them to fall out, but has two beautiful new flight feathers on one wing and four on the other. They look good on her Sooo, last week she started madly flapping her wings on top of her cage... she has done this playfully before, but no she was doing it and leaning forward like she was about to jump. I called come here, come here, and got close to the cage and held my arm out, and she would flap like crazy, lean so far forward... then give up and scoot back and forth on top of her cage, then try again. Eventually she gave up completely. That went on for a couple days. Yet if we were leaving the room or something, she would climb down her cage and jump and flutter a couple feet to the floor. She never has done that before, yet she has been doing that like a natural! Well, the big shocker was last weekend, I was in the bedroom, across the hall from Yoshi a pretty good distance, when I hear the crazy flapping and say come here Yoshi! She launches herself off the cage and gets to my feet before she reaches the ground. That's her longest distance ever! After that, it really shows that she built some confidence from that one launch off her cage Now, if I'm about 8 feet away from her in my chair at my computer and I hear her flapping I hold my arm out and say 'Come here!' and she launches to my arm. She doesn't hesitate for long! In the last two days, she has been a crazy flier, she definately wouldn't hit her target (my arm) if I didn't adjust to help her, and she seems to perfer just landing on the open floor. I'm guessing as the poor baby only has 6 flights total, manuvering won't be possible yet But oh my gosh, I can tell how happy she is! I was eating a granola bar in my chair yesterday, and she launched herself faster than usual, and I barely caught her. She was panting from the effort, but locked her eyes on my granola bar like 'hey, I've earned that!' Of course I gave her some She likes drinking outta my cups lately too, and tossing the ice out of any water I have I'm so proud of her limited flying capabilities Hopefully not long and she will be gaining altitude with flight She has been a bit cheeky already with jumping off her cage and flapping to another room if we aren't in her room. She just lands on the floor and stares around looking for us. I've been making sure to say 'go back Yoshi' and place her back on her cage. I don't want her thinking she can go wherever she wants without us inviting her. Are we doing the right thing? Putting her back on her cage a couple times should show her that she can only come with an invite eventually right? I don't want to have to put her IN her cage at times. Practically whenever we are home, her cage is open... Just sharing my happinness with her success
  16. Crystine, I'm so sorry that you are going through a difficult time with your baby! Believe me, I understand what you are going through. A while back, I had a quaker parrot, and I've told the story on here before, but she got completely out of control also. Out of desperation, and after a ton of other efforts, I felt the best thing to do would be to clip. I learn't how, and did it myself, also leaving her able to glide without taking full capability away. It made me so sad to see this happening with my wonderful bird. I loved her so much! But I have to say, the clip did nothing good. She was quiet and reserved for about a week, then the wanting to stay in the cage and biting me started big time. Clipping did nothing good, it truelly made her resent me... I talk about this as this is so close to home for me. I loved my quaker to death, but ended up giving her away to a more experienced person, who has since done a much better job with her than I ever did. I was young and inexperienced. Birds go through crazy times, they get a little 'naughty'. They don't try to make you upset, they just need to know their limits. A bird's ability to fly is so central to who they are. Their confidence, their spirit, their abilities grow with it. Clipping is a terrible thing and I say that as someone who has clipped and suffored the consequences. Now, feathers do grow back! Yoshi, my TAG, was clipped after her first flight, after I'd already paid for her and was about to take her home. I was so angry! But now, a year and a half old, she is getting some new feathers in and is learning to glide across the hallway and into my arms. With this new ability, I've already seen a big boost in her confidence! She never even got to understand what those little wings could do! It's great and I can tell she loves it. I pray your baby will forgive you, I honestly think she will with a little time and patience. But, as others said, your behavioral troubles are not over. I haven't reached that stage with Yoshi really so I think that's best left to someone else to help you with. I'll be interested to hear what happens over the next few weeks for you, for sure!
  17. LOL Elvenking You will I'm sure! Unfortunately my husband isn't that into birds and only puts up with Yoshi these days I've mentioned getting another and he decidedly says "No way in hell"... I'm hoping to wear him down eventually I'd love an Amazon...
  18. Awww such a cute story Brogers Madden looks like he is going to have a very good life in his new home
  19. Thank you for the info! They are all such amazing birds I really am not sure. Also I feel Id really like to adopt, all the birds I have ever owned were mine as babies and I feel I should give some older bird from a shelter a chance this time. I am ready for the challenge for sure, bites plucking and bad words are no big problem. The one thing I couldn't handle is a constant screamer. I get headaches easily and my husband would be miserable lol. I'm considering an Amazon in about a year, and my Yoshi will then be two years old. I just hope I can find a shelter willing to let me bring Yoshi in so I can take time seeing how the two will interact. This shelter here will let you, but I haven't gone yet. They got a red lored amazon named Piper in that came from a home with a very small cage and some plucked feathers. Hadn't been let out much, and apparently fed a bad diet. The pictures I saw were so adorable! 3 years old... She got a new cage at the rescue and apparently has livened right up, talking and stepping up. Apparently she just freaks out quick if you try to touch her or put anything bigger than a conure sized toy in her cage. I don't know if she is still there, I just fell in love with her story and pics last week and called but then realized that I probably should wait before I get another parrot lol. Can't afford to spoil another one like I'd want to right now anyway...
  20. Oh man I love this movie to death I watched it as a kid and was fascinated, and then made my family watch it with me and had my husband watch it with me last year To be honest, some don't find it all that interesting, especially non-bird people. I, however, LOVE the story and how the bird is portrayed It's a touching movie, I shed a couple tears when I first watched it!
  21. The Red Lored are beautiful I love the colors...
  22. I'm curious, what are the pros and cons of the different Amazon species over each other? If say, I was to get an Amazon, baby or older rehome, what is a good choice? I'm not a beginner to parrots by any means, but am just now starting to look into Amazons. What do I want in an Amazon? Well, I know each parrot has their own personality. I'm up for a challenge, but am hoping for a mild tempered amazon, playful and outgoing, and also for some good talking ability My Yoshi has the cuddling and the quiet nature, more reserved than outgoing, also headstrong lol. I guess I'm looking for a fun Amazon with more interest in toys Yoshi will ALWAYS be my number one, she's my baby Also, I'm getting ahead of myself, as I probably won't be getting an Amazon this year, probably not until we move to our next assignment (military). I just would like an idea of what to get when the time comes
  23. Don't give up! It's really pretty simple after you get the hang of it, but I was confused at first too. Watch the video carefully, and you will see
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