Wow, I havent been able to get on here the last few days, but I wasn't expecting such a warm welcome!
To answer a few questions, yeah, he's a character, ol' Monty. He's a family bird and we got him from a local breeder when he was about a year old. The first night we got him I messed around with him until I fell asleep, and woke up with him nestled in my armpit It's a shame I was covered in poo!
He is very confident, and seems to use his beak at will. I've had plenty of nasty bites, but they won't put me off.
He's had his fair share of adventures, it must be two years ago now that he got spooked and took off out the patio door, and across the fields behind our house. It was just getting dark, and difficult to see him. I found him, after hunting all night, only for him to fly off again. We spent every available minute trying to find him but had no luck.
It was only when we rang the 'local' RSPCA a week later that we were told an AG had been handed in. Thank god, it was him! I expect you can all imagine what that week felt like.
The RSPCA kept thinking a cat had got into the avery but no, it was Monty meowing.
He's grown to be my best mate, nobody is as happy to see me as that little fella is, I find it amazing to have such a bond with a bird like him.
I must admit though, I have been unfaithful to him, he's not the only bird in my life...
My girlfriend's mum liked him so much she had to get one too. Coco is still a baby, his eyes are only just beginning to change. He is the sweetest little thing you've ever seen. He loves his tickles (unlike Monty, who uses it to get you close before he bites!) and because I am the only one 'brave' enough to get him out he has bonded with me more than his owners! I love this, but it makes me feel sorry for him. He's so harmless and deserves to come out more, but the classic story of the dog getting more love is at play here. Why, I don't know!!!
We've introduced the two birds a couple of times, all went well at first, they were just kissing for an hour or so, then in true Monty style, out comes the beak. I don't know if I should trust them together now (supervised of course), what would you guys think?