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Everything posted by Fendana
Thanks honey, forgot to say he has also been teting his bite out on me, as you say probably asserting himself. All is calm for a while, he is eating some banana pudding. I think he has worn himself out!
Hello everyone, my baby Squonk is 7 months old and is a beautiful boy, he is very bonded with me and seems very happy. He has lots of time out of his cage and usually just sits on me messing around with what ever I happen to be doing and generally being a bit of a pest. He usually flies back and forth from me to his play stand. Today, however, he has been circumnavigating the room, swooping dangerously low over the dogs and cats and screaming like a banshee..... funny but a real change in behaviour, he has also been more vocal than usual when in his cage. I haven't changed a thing either.... is it just baby tantrums?:kiss:
Squonk found an earring yesterday and flew off with it before I could stop him, it was in pieces in the blink of an eye! He also pulled my mobile phone to bits when I thought he was only chewing the newspaper! Demolition expert, he exhausts my vigilance! The naughty but adorable boy!
Damn it, you guessed! It is truly how I look however, a real mess, courtesy of Squonk and his bad hairdressing skills, messy eating habits and pooping on me capabilities. I am trainining him to poop on his stand, the other stand that is, and he is getting there! He is 6 months now and nothing is safe from the beak, especially the things he can't have, is this normal???
In used condition, bit past sell by date, pinkish in colour, has real human hair effect on top which is arranged into scarecrow appearance, is usually covered in discarded food and parrot poops, is mobile and can actually wash up whilst parrot hangs on, looks very chewed upon but still quite useful.... Offers considered!
It's time for bed here in England, my 6 month old baby Squonk has been tucked up in his cage for a while as his little eyelids couldn't stay open. I just wanted to say how grateful I am to have him in my life, we both love each other, I know he has bonded with me as he preens my hair every day and he just seeems so happy generally. We have 2 Persian cats and 2 dogs, we never leave Squonk alone with them but they all seem so happy together, one of the cats, 'Evie' sleeps on the bottom of the playstand but has to dodge the poops, the other cat sleeps on my lap next to Squonk, the dogs don't take much notice of him as have encountered the beak! They are just a bit jealous of any food I feed Squonk and hang around for his leftovers, the bits that haven't been thrown down my cleavage that is!, the beak gets cleaned on my face if Squonk eats anything slightly damp! But Oh the love! :kiss:
I love that boy to bits, he also likes to wipe his beak on my face to clean it if I give him something sloppy to eat, also why is it if I give him warm sloppy food he reaches forwards and gulps at it yet will elegantly sit and eat a seed or a dry food? Anybody know? :dry:
My baby Squonk has a habit of covering me in his food.... he sits on my shoulder, I feed him whatever I am having, as long as it is healthy for him, he then chews bits off it and then flicks it down my cleavage, he then climbs into my hair to wipe his dirty beak on it. Today was warm porridge oats, very sticky, and I had to go out and see a client straight after with no time to wash my hair, added to that was a nice big dollop of green and white poop down my jacket, so glamorous!!!!!!
I noticed today that Squonk's crop was sticking out, is this normal, he seems to be eating well, today, seeds, fruit and sweet potato mash, his crop was swollen before the sweet potato mash. I can also feel his breast bone prominenetly so am concerned he may be too thin. What can I give him to help him put on weight and should his crop look like that/ He loves to fly around the house now and he and I are in love, we cuddle as often as we can, all in all he seems a very happy little boy! :kiss:
Thanks, great advice about the tea, I try to give him a small sip but he launches himself into the big cup and guzzles. Warm water for him from now on, funny how they like warm drinks! X
Squonk is 5 months old and adorable, the trouble is though that he is obsessed with me and wants cuddles all the time when out of his cage. I adore cuddling him and don't take it for granted as it maybe won't last but it's difficult for me to let him out and get on with doing other things. I get him out as often as I can and give him toys to play with on my lap but that's the thing, he won't go onto his play stand he remains glued onto me. Just wondered if it's because he is still a baby. He is also desperate to drink my tea so I have to make sure it is out of reach until it's luke warm for him to drink, so many questions for a new CAG owner but I am enjoying my baby boy so much! We are in love!
Ok, I think I will do the same, makes it seem cozy for him, he hated the cover at first and growled but tonight was happy enough when I part covered him.
I worry about 5 month old Squonk, he is a very fussy eater,. I have tried him with all types of veg, except sweet potato which I will give him tomorrow, celery, cucumber, tomato, and most fruits but he only seems to like grapes and nectarines, no veg at all. The breeder gave me a small sack of parrot mix which is nearly gone and has a high sunflower content so I suspect he is already a junkie. I am going to buy a pelleted food tomorrow to try him on and give him less seed, I just hope he will take to it. I gave him some warm scrambled egg today which he hated, instead he makes a beeline for my cup of tea so I have to make sure he doesn't get to it when it's hot, I know caffeine is bad for parrots but are a few gulps of luke warm tea now and again going to be very harmful to him?
What a beautiful girl she is and the name is gorgeous!
Thanks guys, will save my money and get him a boing instead, it's dark here now and I have put him to bed with a cover half over his cage, do you cover your birds at night?
Do any of your birdies own one of these? I am tempted to buy one for Squonk, he seems fearless of most things so I don't think he would freak if I put one in his cage. I am more and more in love with him every day and I think he feels the same, so happy
'SQUONK' after a Genesis song that I love. A Squonk is a mythical creature which, when comfronted, dissolves in a pool of bubbles and tears! He is a darling!
Hi, Squonk is my baby dna sexed boy aged 5 months, he is a dream with my daughter and I but already growls menacingly at my husband, Paul. Paul handled him when we first had him but now gets a good old telling off if he even tries to change his seed and water, is this normal ie Greys prefering the opposite sex or is it a myth? :kiss:
Thanks guys, have just had cuddles and my daughter managed to get him in easily, he is scratching in an empty food bowl now, the other is full so we don't let him go hungry! He seems to already be a sunflower seed junkie.When we got him from the breeder 2 weeks ago he gave us a sack of food, it looks delicious, seeds, dried fruit monkey nuts and a few pellets whiuch he won't touch, should I get him on a pellet diet soon and if so how can I get him to take to it and also can you tell me if, in your opinions, you think it best for him. He likes the odd grape and nectarine, enjoys being gently sprayed with warm water with aloe vera in it and is a happy little soul but I need to know if I am making any early mistakes..... X
Ok, thanks hun, don't think he likes his cage, I have a devil of a job to get him back in, will look into more time out and maybe another cage, will get him out again in a minute! X
I am really worried about my 5 month old baby CAG. He seems very healthy but unsettled, he has a large cage about 5 feet tall which goes down to about 6 inches off the ground, he likes to spend most of time, when not out of cage with me, digging at nothing on the bottom or in his seed dish head first digging out all the seed and still digging when all the seed is gone. I have made him lots of toys and give him various treats, TV on if I am not there and he is in his cage next to the Lovebirds, mind you my little hen lovebird does the same. Is this normal and what can I do if it isn't, I paray he is happy with us, we love him dearly!
Hi Cristen, thanks for your reply. I really meant to say that would they be company for the CAG if the lovebirds and Squonk were inside their own cages when we are not around but the cages were side by side? I know what you mean about the size of beak.... curtains for the sweet lovebirds! Fendana
Thanks so much for your warm welcomes! I have had an update photo of the little boy CAG today and he is gorgeous. I have decided to call him 'Squonk' after a Song by Genesis I have always loved which is about a mythical creature. I told Venus and Apollo, the lovebirds' of his forthcoming arrival but they are as yet unenthusiastic. Do you think they will be company for him when we go out if their cages are side by side?... Fendana: kiss:<br><br>Post edited by: Fendana, at: 2009/07/20 21:57
Hello everyone! I am hoping to speak to you often in the future as I will need your advice. I am waiting for our little CAG baby to wean and be ready to come to us in 4 or 5 weeks. I will be needing advice on how to welcome him home and make him comfy and secure and as unafraid as possible as it must be a bit terrifying at first. We are a loving, animal mad family and our pets all get on famously as we are laid back too I expect. We have two Fischer Lovebirds in a large Aviary cage indoors, see profile pic, this was taken on the day we brought them home, so they look a little unsettled, only pic I could find tonight! they are not tame as not hand reared but are dear little things and love me to sing stupid made up songs to them and make them lots of toys for mental stimulation. I can't wait to bring our boy home, this site is invaluable to me..... Fendana X