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Everything posted by Natalia

  1. I can't get a good picture. The spots are not really seen on the picture. He does not sit in the cage, he is kept on the bird stand. Last night he tried to get through the glass door, but did not really hit it. The only thing that I could think of is that he was scratching the head. Any other suggestions? Thanks.
  2. Hello everyone, I came home today and noticed that my bird has bloody spots above her both eyes. He is eating fine, looks pretty happy. Please ,share what could have caused that. Thank you.
  3. Thank you to everyone for such a warm welcoming. I got my baby grey form the breeder in Miami, not that far from where we live. Ganzha -doesn't really mean anything. It was taken from a Russian old movie and was a human's nickname.
  4. Hello everyone, just need an advice. We put the cage up for my baby parrot Ganzha (3months old) a week ago. The reason for that was because we didn't feel he would be safe in the box anymore since he started to fly out of it. He does not like the cage at all. It seems as he can't relax in there. He tries to open the door. Everytime I come up he shows with his body language that he wants out, even though he only spends 5 hours there while I'm at work. After work I take him out and he spends time with me till I go to bed. Any suggestion on how I can make him feel better in that cage? Thank you.
  5. Natalia


    My cag is 3 months old now. He is trying to fly now, and I am worried about him. When I should bring him to the vet to have feathers cliped? or should I?
  6. Hello everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself and my little pet Ganzha. I had Ganzha for about 2 months now. I never had a bird pet before. I absolutely love it!!! I wish I could spend more time reading through the forum. I found a lot of useful information on this site. Thank you to everyone who shares their advice here.
  7. Hello everyone, our CAG is 10 weeks old, still on formula, but we started to give him some "starter" pallets as wells as fruits. Anyway I have a question about a noise that he makes when we try to play with him using a plastic ball. He grabs the ball and starts making the noise that sounds like "dog's cry" or sneeze. we can't figure it out. He only does it when we take his toy. When he is back in his place he stops. Did anybody experience something like that? please share your thoughts. thanx.
  8. Hi everyone, just wanted to ask a few questions about the 6 weeks old baby bird we got last night. He seems to be very calm, doesn't make a lot of noise. Is it normal at this age. Also after we feed him he keeps on chewing his food for about 20 minuets, keepind his mouth open. He is still unstable on his feet and mostly sits. Can you please give us some advice? Thank you!
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