Hello Everybody
I have now had Pinky for a couple of months and I just want to let you know who it's going and maybe get some tip and helpers to nip any problems right at the start.
I have him on a Zupreen diet and have taught him to eat grapes and raisin (not too many at a time but maybe 1 or 2 every other day) Bananas was not a hit.
He is imitating sounds and start making noises as soon as I leave the room, even just for a second or two.
He got a nice, new, big cage, some nature branches and some toys.
He is not very good at playing with his toys, only a couple of rope rings is played with.
He has been out of the cage a couple of times but he fly like a brick.
The worst part is that he won't allow me to touch him and try to bite when I get near him.
I have tried to say no in a stern voice when he bites and he seen to understand (for a moment)
Often he will sit in the corner of the cage near me and look like he want to participate but as soon as I go near the cage he retreats away.
When I give him grapes, he does understand what is finger and what is treat and just grab the grape.
He is 2 years old and have been mistreated by his siblings as a young bird. I have read that the 2 year period can be a difficult one. Should I expect him to be more docile as he get a bit older?
Feel free to give any pointers to help me on the way.