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Everything posted by Ernzzz

  1. Here goes... Christmas '09 <br><br>Post edited by: Ernzzz, at: 2009/06/28 20:55
  2. They are in Florida(Miami?) - Thanks. I tried to find what I wanted in the Dallas are and was unsucessul. I like going to breeders over pet stores due to cost, it just takes more research.
  3. Hi, I'm curious if anybody has heard of Dunnellson's bird farm? Thanks!
  4. As a Grey newbie(I won't have my grey for another 8~ weeks) I found this very interesting and after researching it really fired me up about scamming the public when in fact you really don't know... !:angry: :angry:
  5. How true... the cages are all the same! LOL!! My mom is from LA and dad lives in Huntington Beach... if not for the cost of living I would be out there. Beaches... mountains... desert... Nice! One of these days!!
  6. SchroedersJen wrote: What a great place!
  7. This is a topic very close to my heart... one that is both very MAD and very Happy... Long story short - My first tame bird that I really fell in love with was a female Mollucan(paid $500 w/cage in '87)who was very quiet and tame and a very unscrupulouse(SP??) bird breeder stole her... fast forward within 1 year I had purchased 2 more too's - BOTH of which could screem sooooo loud and long you could not hear downstairs with the tv 3/4 volume!!! It defied anything I have heard in my 46 years!! Sooo... would I suggest buying a cockatoo unless you are REALLLLLYYYY knowledgable?? NO!!! I say that with great pain as I had one that was trully incredible from a companion perspective and I have missed her alot but I have given up finding another because If I'm wrong and they are a screamer, I would have to get rid of them due to noise and that is wrong in my eyes. The Cockatoo is TRULY incredible in many ways!!!
  8. I'm reading this post and if I read this correctly you don't like Zupreem/Safflower/Sunflower/Hulled peanuts or am I reading this incorrectly? I have been using Dr D's and Zupreen for almost 22 years with no ill effects... makes me wonder. I've been out of the "loop" for a long time and just bought a grey - makes me wonder...
  9. Parrotlets can be really neat little birds. As their name implies, they are small parrots and act like them! They can be VERY aggressive toward other birds, very active and can be a really nice bird to their human buddies if you work with them. This is one very important issue - you have to work with them alot to maintain a relationship or they have a tendency to revert fairly quickly. I have my female that was hand fed - GREAT little bird.
  10. Thanks, you guys/gals make this site a great one!
  11. danmcq wrote: WELL SAID! They are NOT for a novice owner, I found out the hard way with virtually nothing to fall back on - thanks for the web! I'm glad to be here.
  12. judygram wrote: What a riot LOL!!!! I would be afraid they would get into a screaming match with each other.
  13. Yikes... it sounds like my 'Zon... hopefully not as aggresive @ 4yrs. Great timeline, thanks for the information!!
  14. Thanks JudyGram! A Sun and a Grey... wow, you must have an verbally active house several times a day! The Sun is a beautiful bird. I am excited about my new Grey baby, can't wait! I have seen them throught the years and they appeared to be a great combination of wanting interaction while wanting to be left alone without the crankiness of a Zon... as they say, there all different, we'll see!
  15. I just found the site, wow... GREAT site, Thanks to those who started it!! I just put a deposit down on a Congo last week - I wanted one 21~ years ago but they were difficult to find and I wound up hand feeding a clutch of Napes, one of which I kept "Ernzzz" (Thanks to Ernie on Sesamie Streat - LOL!!)as he calls him/herself(believe he's a male). Along with my Nape, I found a handfed lovebird and a cockatiel... this completed my flock for 20~ years until last year when within 6 months my lovebird(Awesome bird!!) and cockatiel(talked up a storm!) died. Fast forward to this year when I purchased 2 babies - green cheeck conure(very funny bird!!) and a parrotlet(dynamo bird!LOL!) with a desire to buy a Grey and a Mealy Amazon. Well... I bought both birds(CAG/Mealy) and am gathering information on Greys... it's been along time since owning a baby bird on the level of my Nape so I'm a bit "rusty" on my knowledge! Here it goes!! LOL!!<br><br>Post edited by: Ernzzz, at: 2009/06/28 20:43
  16. Sorry... I should know better than... he/she(Congo) was hatched on 5/15, just a youngster! I don't have a name yet, still searching - ideas?? I'm always open to new ideas - it's been along time since I've had a baby bird of this intelligence and I'm a 'bit "rusty" with some of my knowledge when it comes to baby birds and there were no websites(to my knowledge) in the 80's. The web sure is nice!! I will start reading the posts to learn more - THANKS again!<br><br>Post edited by: Ernzzz, at: 2009/06/23 16:25
  17. I'm glad I found the site! Finally a grey specific site! I will be a new grey owner in about 6-8 weeks and I'm trying to gather info. regarding their personalities. I have a nape(calls himself ernzzz) I handfed 22 years ago so I do have experience with amazons(and gcc/parrotlets). My one issue that concerns me is biting and a greys "desire" to be biters! This is one of the reasons why I will not have another nape/yellowhead. From what I've read there are not as aggressive. Any comments from Grey/Amazon owners? Specific do's and don't ideas? Thanks for the great site! My Grey @ 2~weeks... my bald baby! Post edited by: Ernzzz, at: 2009/06/28 21:21<br><br>Post edited by: Ernzzz, at: 2009/06/28 21:23
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