Thank you, Steve, for some great advice and reassurance. Taylor loves to fly to the tops of doors and has decided that the door frames are wonderful to chew on.
He's really done a good job on some bathroom sink drawers, besides. We installed some baby protector hinges to keep him from getting inside. Nevertheless, he's whittled quite a bit, and should we ever decide to sell our home, those will have to be replaced, as well as do some repairing of some door frames.
I decided to place some items in these areas to keep him from going back. He's been staying away, so it's working.
My question is this: Can our Greys be disciplined to keep out of things without all the foreign objects all over the place? My partner has suggested that "Taylor runs the show" and gets to do whatever he wants.
With all the toys and his ability to fly back and forth to and from several rooms in our fairly spacious home, he seems to have more energy than I can provide things for him to do.
His avian doctor said he was just plain "hyper".
He's 6 years old and is as mischievious as a toddler. Our Amazon parrot, Paco, is much older, super mellow, and is annoyed by Taylor, mostly because he wants a playmate.
Taylor is so smart, so intuitive, and sometimes I think he needs more to do, a bigger space, like an outdoor aviary
We've been planning to re-locate to Florida, where many residents have the big screened patios. We thought it'd be perfect for our "guys", because the weather is good for them to be outdoors, and there'd be plenty of space to fly and have the safety of a bigger, yet protected space. Any thoughts?