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Everything posted by taxidriver5

  1. thankyou thankyou thankyou to all of you will let you know how we get on with her hopefully things can only get better x:)
  2. thankyou all im determined im not going to give up on her and now know no 2 greys are ever the same my nephews grey is 6 weeks older than millie and eats anything in sight im just worried she is missing out on all the goodness but thankyou all very much
  3. hi yes we have got the kabob and it is almost as if she is scared of anything to do with fruit if we put the kabob in her cage she will sit in another part of the cage away from it, we have just put a strawberry slice on top of her fav toy and she is totally the opporsite end of the cage away from it , she also used to like carrot etc but again we have tried all kinds of fresh fruit and veg but she wont look at it never mind try it ,
  4. hi please can someone help or advise , we have a 7 month old cag and she is doing pretty good but she is very fussy eater she 100% refuses to eat fruit of any description,{ when we first had her she loved to eat a fresh apple slice } she will eat loads of sunflower seeds which we have now taken from her cage to see if we can get her to eat anything else but so far no joy except from a few pieces of dried corn asnd cereal bits etc that were in the bag of mix we got her but not really eating a lot, are we doing her any harm stopping the seeds and trying to get her to eat fruit or do we just have a fussy parrot {if that is possible} any advise of help gratefully recieved she seems fine its me thats doing all the worrying
  5. taxidriver5


    hi please can someone say if black millet ears are safe for my grey to eat bought some today for her but bit wary of giving them to her the box shows all kinds of birds macaws etc but shows no pictures of a grey so a bit unsure , many thanks angela
  6. thankyou very much for the reply she is very cute indeed and already talking and getting all the attention when anyone calls to the house. she has just discovered playing with plastic bottle tops and has been having great fun with them and she is fun to watch, she is our first grey and we are having just as much fun as her
  7. just checked and if you click on the above link you can see the photo`s of millie she is almost 7 months old and very friendly and couldnt imagine our home without her now she is getting cheeky too
  8. http://s734.photobucket.com/albums/ww350/taxidriver5/ hope this photo of millie gets through this time got some help from my son ,
  9. hi trying to get some photo`s up on here but either taking hours or not showing up can anyone please help or advide , many thanks
  10. hi all its my first time here just poping in to say hello, we have a georgeous 26 week old cag african grey names millie we have had her nearly a month now and she is great fun and already started talking she says hello and wolf whistles and makes alsorts of chirps and noises and her favourite place to be is sat on top of my laptop screen, hope to add some pitures of her later today, she enjoys eating dried pasta and a little apple , in her age is a dish of seeds pellets dried fruit and veg et but she doesnt seem interested in muh in the way of fresh fruit etc is this normal for a grey of her age she is partiularly fond of quavers now and then and will take the packet out of my hand if i allow her these are just a treat and feed to her very rare, any help or tips will be much gratefully reieved we have all the books et but i think advice from someone with a grey is always helpful, angie and millie x
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