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Everything posted by Jayd

  1. Jay has been put on synthetic marijuana pills for pain and anxiety. Thanks, Maggie
  2. Hearing stories about Amazons always left me with the feeling that maybe some were a little exaggerated or extreme🙄🙄…until we came home with our Salsa. From the time she gets up in the morning until bedtime, it is almost like living with a multiple personality disorder on steroids and caffeine…Hahaha… In the morning, she will be sleeping soundly until she hears Joe doing his nails on a chalkboard rendition by running his beak back and forth on the bars to wake me up. Then, she starts with the whining which gets progressively louder until I open her cage. Then, she greets the day and the neighborhood with her pterodactyl impression… (Oh boy!)😁😁 She steals Joe’s apples and pistachios (which drives Joe crazy because he then cannot eat until everything is replaced and untouched). 😝Then, she bugs me until she gets her toast. One minute, she will be singing songs of her own at the top of her lungs and the next moment, she will be sobbing her heart out or screaming how “Salsa is a good girl!” She will be laughing manically and then fly over to bite Jay before flying off. 😈😈She flies to me and plays by hanging off my hands and mock-attacks and then turn around, flying over and hide in her cage for a few minutes. When I have my asthma attack and am coughing, she joins in with a chorus of sympathetic wheezing and coughing, goes into hysterical laughing and then begins crying as if her heart is broken. She greets dusk with her pterodactyl routine again and channels her inner Greek by tossing her plates after she finishes. She may be manic, but she is ALWAYS entertaining! Maggie
  3. 👴How are you and yours doing????? And Sterling????
  4. Wonderful memories of Cricket, truly missed. More stories please.We need to fill the Amazon Room with more stories.... Steve, Good story, did you know the Forum has a Caique Room? I'd love it if you had more stories...Thanks
  5. Jayd

    We Are !!!

    Thanks old friend..How about a cricket story when you get some time...🐣
  6. Jayd

    We Are !!!

    Who are we? We'll we're members of the Grey Forms. Why are we here? We'll we're here to learn, share, have questions of concerns answered (hopefully answered). Why else? Ah, to teach, to pass on knowledge and things we learned, to comfort our member friends and share photos and life.. Every member has knowledge to pass on and experiences to share.. There are some members who have so much to offer, yet we never hear from them, it's sad, they have so much to offer. I see hours, sometimes days go by before a question might be answered..I don't want to be a "lookie-loo" or the few "contributors". Take a minute to say "Hi" even if you don't have a answer..Your combined knowledge could power the world..All you older members, I could post wonderful and helpful posts you've made, why not instead give a couple minutes of your time to pass on your help to others? Remember when you first joined the Forum? and some one reached out to help you....you're ALL needed. Okay, my soapbox just broke...Rev. Jayd
  7. ☹️🙁 So sorry....How do the fids feel about cast?🙃
  8. 😉Good Luck my friend.. Rev Jayd
  9. 😉So glad warmer weather is in front of you...may all your labor go smoothly....😊
  10. Beautiful.............................
  11. 🙂Greetings Luvparrots, how are all of you and Sterling Gris coping?
  12. I do not know if it was because it was the 4th Wednesday of the month, the moon and the stars aligned in a certain way, or the ambient temperature was a warm 86 degrees with 17% humidity in the house but Joey surprised us yet again...I was taking care of Jay and Joey had flown over to Salsa's cage to see what was going on...Joey going into Salsa's cage is reason enough to go wow since it took him over 10 years to even approach and enter the cage... When he realized what we were doing was not something he was really interested in, he ventured further into the cage and began to play with Salsa's toys and bell!!! Who are YOU and what did you do with Joe? Hahahahaha! All this was happening while Salsa was sitting on my shoulder, staring at Joey and whining.....Maggie
  13. Do you have updates or photos? We are all interested and have been waiting patiently for updates...thanks, Jayd
  14. Bless you my sweet lady, it's going to work out. We know you. Some thoughts...setting his room back up to as original as you can, paint, curtains, nick-naks, etc. You will do it....Jay and Maggie
  15. Wow!! Thank you for giving these babies a new forever home!! just from your attitude, i can tell they are in good hands!! Be patient..this is normal in many cases...as I have said before, Rome didn't pop up overnight.... (PHOTOS, PHOTOS PHOTOS)
  16. Greetings! Thank you for joining this great forum! I give you your first trophy...you have four more coming....one for each new post! Photos rule! Post about you, yours, and your Fids!
  17. Thank you oh Lord for the saving of the Parrots and property. Please bring health to these beautiful creatures of your's and the saving of our beloved Luvparrots. Please bring strength to Sterling Gris to move forward past this ordeal for you truly protected them all. Please give strength to Luvparrots for the ordeal that stands before her. Bless your creatures big and small. We all share our tears with you...Amen Reverend Jay
  18. Last night, it was almost bedtime and Salsa had been fighting yawns and trying hard to keep her eyes open...when I finished getting her cage ready, I turned around and found her like this.....she opened one eye and I swear I could hear her say, "I can talk, I can fly, and I can twist my head 360 degrees....can you?" ooooohhhh, that feels so goooood! Right there...
  19. Love you and Cricket...Salsa gets so heavy with water that she can't fly....
  20. Thank you Howardine...I agree with you, Thank you, Thank you all...
  21. Jayd


    NONONONONO....lol...He is actually relaxing around you and being to trust you.....do not push him....go slow and keep talking....as time goes on, move closer to his cage. Further on down the line, open his door and sit down next to him while you read out loud to him. When you go to clean his cage, tell him what you will be doing before and during the process. Jayd
  22. Jayd


    Hi....if it is possible put the cages face-to-face and put the open doors together....you can wait until he moves to the new cage or you or someone can take a perch and guide him to the new one. How about putting his favorite treat and nothing else in the new cage to entice him over...
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