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Posts posted by Jayd

  1. Most parrots in the wild are quite familiar with getting high (pun intended)...besides just by flying. My concern is not what he ate but how much...in the wild, parrots eat fermented fruits, berries and foods. Some actually seek it out and make it part of their staples. A vet is the best route....we send our prayers. Jayd and Maggie

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  2. Greetings! When a Grey is getting ready to fledge (fly for the first time), they will go on a weight-loss diet (self-imposed) to trim themselves down enough for flight...An average weight for a 9 week old is 484grams. 9+ weeks first time flight 454 grams (flight weight) approximately. Our Spock was a large bird and was over 500 grams at 8 weeks. Other Greys were pretty close to 480 grams

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  3. Sorry to take so long to reply....concerning the feathers, the discoloration and the color of the red tail and the dark on the red tail bothers me a little. In your supplemental feeding, stay away from the corn for a while, stick with the green leafy vegetables and seeds. I will keep an eye on your posts. Thank you very much. Jayd

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  4. Was the photos taken right after she ate? I would suggest seeing a vet, she has a extended Crop and the feathers don't look right... Try some peanut butter UN-salted, some protein  like eggs and sun light... Please keep us informed...If her crop has been like this for awhile, try some warm water...

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  5. Amazons deserve their own credit....no matter what you call them....Zons, Greenies, Evil Green Chickens, Zonzillas....they will always have a place in our hearts and in the scars they leave upon our bodies. As opposed to a Grey, they are all action with very few words...yet they can talk off an ear off without blinking, and if you are lucky enough, one who is musically inclined, like opera. Once a year, they go into what we call the "FEAR ZONE" and we do what we can to avoid them. Hormonal does not mean harmony in a Zon's life. They are so sweet and within one second, can turn and draw first blood. All joking aside, uuuhhhh, I guess there is no joking.

    In all sincerity, a Zon can be a very loving and warm companion with years of love and happiness. They have the most beautiful, expressive eyes also. A Zon is definitely self-absorbed...their wants and needs come first, and they are very vocal and expressive in letting you know about their wants and needs. Their companionship cannot be surpassed. They keep going and going and going.... like the Energizer Bunny....They truly are loyal and loving, and they get along well with other parrots in your home. They are masters at entertaining themselves and their slaves....

    Here's to the Greenies....YEA!!! Jayd

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  6. 😀 As humans grow, the way we speak, our vocabulary, and the words we use change. Some of us use slang, some abbreviations, and others articulate to the fullest. In my study of our Greys, their ability to use language has always fascinated me, especially since they can speak almost every language in the world and understand them.

    Let's place ourselves in the USA, Arizona,. a Grey really starts talking, about a year old, and if a parront whistles a lot, there is a possibility the Grey will whistle more than talk. A Grey is keen to all they hear in the house, the parronts, the TV, radio, or any other devices used in communication (i.e. Alexa, etc.). They also learn each way, the representative speaks. Example: Papa speaks in complete sentences. Grey Bird will respond to Papa in proper sentences. If Mama speaks in baby talk, then Grey Bird will learn to respond accordingly. The same think goes in more complicated situations, such as interaction with Alexa, which uses key phrases to communicate. This is really intelligent. One Grey is talking five different ways to five different people in the same household. 

    Now, let me show you the true intelligence of a Grey.....Your Grey will develop his own personal language. He will start using abbreviations that he knows you will understand, such as "Wanna good nut" meaning a dry treat, or a certain click or sound, knowing it will get your attention. Here is an example using Joe: when he first came to us, he used to ask "Want good water" which meant he wanted water with ice cubes. Now, many years later, he uses the gurgling water sound when he wants water...Another example: when Joe first came, he would ask Jay "Are you okay?". Now, he just says "Papa?" Years ago, Joe used to say "Stop!" or "Shut up!" when something disturbed him....now he just makes a clapping sound when he is bothered by us talking at night, Salsa making too much noise, or the dog barking. 

    When you have a minute, sit down and just listen to your household and listen to your Grey's responses to the stimuli...It is amazing how intelligent they are and how much verbal shorthand they develop over time. Love you all, Jayd😎

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  7. Thank you all for your concern....a lot in our life has changed...so we are adapting the best we can. there is a lot we cannot do that we wish we could. We miss you all greatly. Your concerns and prayers are so greatly appreciated. Maggie and Jayd

    P.S. Jay did a new post in the Grey Lounge....😉

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  8. On 8/25/2018 at 1:41 PM, Gil said:

    . She gets a combination of sunlight through a window and full spectrum light for 12 hours. Please help. Thank you and I happy to be a member. I have added a pic of her with her head in the bowl.


    Welcome and thank you for becoming a part of the Grey Forum.....If I may, increase the full spectrum light to 14 hours. This will help increase the calcium absorption.  Jayd

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  9. GREAT NEWS! Howardine (kittykittykitty) is okay. She is not feeling her best but her computer went out, She contacted us through snail mail ans she will be back online when she gets a computer. Jayd and I personally want to thank everyone for their care, concern, and prayers. You truly are Greyt parronts! Maggie and Jayd

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  10. We had a scare yesterday, a tiny storm went by and left Bullhead City BLACKED OUT... Jay Is on oxygen, without electricity his concentrator doesn't work, and on top of that, the cell towers went down, the electric company wouldn't answer their emergency phone lines. When the phones came back on, the police said there was a lot of damage to the city.....

    Jay's on 7 liters per hr of oxygen, he had 3 portable bottles of oxygen, the fire department had no oxygen and the hospital was packed... His oxygen supplier had no emergency number and at night it was 107 degrees and it was unspeakable in the daytime...Jay ran his bottles at 3 it per hr but this dropped his O2 to 88 or less, which is really bad because the minimum for his O2 is 91...17 hours passed and finally, he was delivered 3 portable bottles and in the next couple of hours after that, the power was restored...It appears he lost some eyesight and he's almost  deaf, we won't know of any permanent damages until he has tests.done.

    How was your weekend?

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  11. We are a little worried about Howardine (kittykittykitty) ......for a long time, we have been in daily contact with her. Her health has not been the best and the last time we have heard from her was August 1st.....and the last time she posted on the forum was July 14th. She has been a regular member since June 25, 2008. .

    Can we send prayers her way?

    Oh Lord, Our God in Heaven, please bless her and watch over her. Amen, Rev. Jay and Maggie

    Any kudos belongs to Howardine

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  12. B|(Maggie typing for Jay)

    There is only one way to find out if diet and general health in our Greys is proper besides going to the vet. For this you will need a Degree in Poopology 101. I have posted a fairly representative chart of what after dinner should look like. Also, a link or two....Since Smellorama has not been invented yet, there are some foods that will cause odor. Broccoli is one of the number one culprits... Also, some foods will change the color of the poop. The only way to learn these things is to "Observe the Poop". Seek it out daily, get to know it well....it could save your bird's life. .https://www.petcha.com/all-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-bird-poop/


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  13. Hi, Maggie here....Jay and I had raised and weaned four Amazons. Our payment was our choice of one of the four. So, when they were fledged, we returned them, picked the one we wanted and headed back home. We were talking about what we were going to name our new baby and saying different names. During this conversation, our new Zon never made a sound and I mentioned the name Salsa. All of a sudden, she started chattering and making all kinds of noises. Then, we repeated other names and she was silent. When Jay mentioned Salsa, she started up again. We tried this three or four times....this happened every time we mentioned Salsa, this happened. So, this is how she named herself...LOL

    Also, when we brought Joe, our Grey home, he had come from an abusive relationship so when we brought him home to Spock, we had decided to go with the same theme (Star Trek) and decided to rename Joe "Jim". For a few weeks, all Joe would say was "Are you okay?" and "Where are you?" when we left the room (Joe was 2 at the time). After a few weeks though, Joe put us in our place after we had addressed him yet again as "Jim". He replied, "I'm Joe". LOL....Maggie

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  14. Greetings, Here is a reply from Stanley Steemer about the ingredients used in their steam cleaning....they do not state the ingredients. Suggestion, remove all pets during the process and do not return pets until it is 100% dry.

    The safest carpet cleaning is to rent a steam cleaner and use vinegar water (no soaps). This will also remove mold.

    Please be aware that Carpet Fresh and Arm and Hammer Pet Fresh dry carpet cleaner can be DEADLY  to your parrots. I am sure someone will post a reply on their experience. Thank you, Jayd

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  15. This suggestion will not hurt anything... Wash and rinse the food and water bowls etc with ACV (apple cider vinegar) and let air-dry. Has your fid eaten broccoli in the last 24 hrs? if your fid IS NOT eating, HUMAN GRADE  Roasted no sodium peanuts, STOP feeding. You need to get your fid to the vet ASAP. Put a few drops of ACV in the water bowl (won't hurt anybody or anything)

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  16. Browse: Home / A Pandemonium of Parrots

    A Pandemonium of Parrots



    Someone wrote asking what a group of parrots is called. My first reaction was, “a flock of parrots.” That is the most common reference to them, but did you also know a group of parrots is called a pandemonium? It tells you something about the noise a wild flock of parrots can make because the definition of pandemonium is “wild uproar or noise!” (Source: American Heritage Dictionary). You can also call them a company of parrots.Here are some other interesting names for groups of birds:

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