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Everything posted by SSturm

  1. I'm looking for a playstand for Zel for Christmas and I can't imagine doing it myself (let's just say it'd be horrible) so I'm wondering if anyone knew of any websites where they sell nice playstands for African Greys sized birds. Thanks!
  2. Btw, I found her this morning standing on top of the cage. It was still completely covered in blankets which means not only did she open the door, but then climbed onto the blanket, climbed down, flipped herself over to the other side, then climbed back up the blanket to the top. She's a determined little birdy!
  3. Cause silly me hasn't gotten one yet
  4. Every so often when I'm about to cover her cage for the night she'll frantically flap her wings but really not so much anymore. I just gotta work on the pooping thing now. Every time I put her down on the couch, chair, etc. she takes a big poop as soon as she's down. I'm almost willing to have someone potty train her lolz. :laugh:
  5. So it was midday and time for Zel to take a nap (or so I thought) so I put her in her cage, closed and locked the doors, and shut the door to her room so she could have some quiet time. About an hour later I hear a strange noise and wonder "what could that be?" I realized it was coming from her room. So I walked over and opened the door to find Zel standing there and looking up at me as if saying: "About damn time you opened the door. I've been trying to chew my way out!"
  6. Well since Zel will only take a bath while in the shower with me we'll be skipping the whole ice water thing . . . . .
  7. At just 4 1/2 months old Zel has started to speak! Well, sort of. When I have the radio on she starts to whistle, chirp, and talk but sounding like she has marbles in her mouth. I've so far have only distinguished one word and she's actually gotten pretty good at it and it happens to be the word I say the most to her: HELLO! The other popular phrases I say is GOOD MORNING! and PRETTY BIRD! I don't know if that's what else she's trying to say but it's obvious that it's words she's working on and not just sounds. I'll try to get some video of her saying hello.
  8. Whenever I went to birdtricks.com it would shut down my browser, no matter which one I was using. I've never gone back and never will.
  9. Where can one pick up Red Palm Oil? Never heard of it before nor seen it before in a store.
  10. No, she's still having tantrums.
  11. Starting yesterday morning Zel began making a new noise. She only makes it when she has my attention and no other time. I think it's a form of begging but begging for what I have no idea. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G8L3UF5FW0 Zel is getting better at flying and will certainly fly for her favorite treat of all . . . . though she could work on her landings a bit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAGSjIwS2uc And finally Zel really loves to chew on my camera . . . no matter what it takes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RszZJAczv7k
  12. *UPDATE* Good news: Zel is eating but it still seems it's only happening outside the cage. No food on the cage floor or water spots on the paper. Also, I got her to switch to pellet food today on the first try. Of course, this might've also been because she was starving from not eating the whole night. Who knows. She's also eating veggies and fruits as well though I'll admit the amount of food she's eating is much less that what I had expected from what I read about Greys. I got her to also start using the cuttlebone. Of course, this required me to take it out of the cage first. Once I did and placed it right in front of her she went right at it. Also, found out today she LOVES taking a shower . . . . as long as she's on my arm while I'm taking one lol. It was the only way she'd tolerate it and I'm fine with it. Bad news: Zel is still terrified of being in her cage. Every night is still the same show. At times it even looks as if she's going to hurt herself from all the acrobatics she does.
  13. And yes, loves to cuddle. Especially loves to be on my shoulder and lean against my neck.
  14. Thanks for all the responses. Zel is 16 weeks old as of two days ago. Brought her home yesterday. She's talking up a storm (especially if I "dissapear" around a corner) and seems very comfortable. I'm really just worried that I haven't seen her near her dishes at all. She did just eat some fruit from a plate I offered her though.
  15. A couple of things . . . . She seems to only want to stay at the very top of her cage. Not go inside, not play with toys, just sit on top of her cage and look around and "talk." Also, had to go to work last night and when I put her in her cage and locked it up she FREAKED. Kept going at it until I put the cover over the cage and then she seemed to calm right down. I haven't seen her touch her food dishes or water dish at all yet while I've been around and I can't seem to tell if she had any while I was at work. I am using the same stuff they were feeding her at the store. I did get her to eat some fruit this morning (but only by putting it on top of the cage near her. She won't come to it.) Are these legitimate concerns or am I just being a paranoid new daddy? Thanks in advance!
  16. ZEL @ 13 weeks old. VIDEO 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8Z5YRCIu-o VIDEO 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZYT9h7TXKU VIDEO 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im1dRhbFFWY
  17. Hello all, My name is Scott and I'm getting an CAG who I have named ZEL. She's 10 weeks old and still being weaned so I have some time before I can bring her home. 8-( Here's some video of her: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPBACU7d5ok Post edited by: SSturm, at: 2009/05/14 09:02<br><br>Post edited by: SSturm, at: 2009/05/14 09:06
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