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  1. I have a question about cages i want to know if this is a good cage for a grey.. http://www.kingscages.com/ProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=ELT4_2620 I will mostly have my grey out of the cage when i am home, but it will be in the cage when i am out or at school or work. Also another question, if there are pellets left over one day should i throw them out and put in new ones, or keep them and just add more?
  2. LMFAO GorgASS that was a good idea.
  3. And i was thinking of purchasing it for when i get my CAG but i think i should ask here first. I was thinking of purchasing a training dvd which looked really good because ive seen these people on youtube and they can get there birds to do anything.http://www.birdtricks.com/training-course/
  4. Thats a great playhouse i wish i had the materials to do that.
  5. http://www.birdsafestore.com/Products/Harrisons-High-Potency-Fine---25lbs__HBD-HPF25.aspx
  6. Thats good so they arent picky eaters right?
  7. I too am getting a cag for the day school is over. You should buy all different sized perches, i heard somewhere that if they have only one perch there feet cramp. ( I dont know how true that is.) I guess they go to sleep a bit earlier than you, and probably wake up when you do.
  8. Never mind that ^ lol and thank all of you for welcoming me.
  9. Well bird pooh isnt solid lol. If she is new to the house she might not eat alot yet, dont get freeked out. Instead of oatmeal in the morning try some yogurt.
  10. Baby greys SHOULD NOT have their wings clipped, you shouldnt clip wings unless you HAVE too. Also the lady wouldnt buy a grey without thinking if she had time on her hands so there must be an issue with the bird. My advice look for a different bird.
  11. An alternative to letting your grey on your shoulder would to just let it sit on your stomach, or knee.
  12. So wait, i knew greys can eat vegetables and stuff like that off our plates, but can they eat steak? fish? chicken? or even pizza?
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