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  1. :ohmy: Holy crap!! That cage is awesome!! I really love it. What are the dimensions on that baby?
  2. I received the same email. I just deleted it.
  3. The ladder is really creative. I love the colors. How did you get the sisal to stick to the PVC? Did you use a glue of some kind? When I look at the pic of Partner on the ladder, I have to agree with you, take the 1" PVC and cut it down to 1/4". I really love it. I will take one!
  4. I just had to tell you how freaking hilarious these pics are!!:laugh: These really made me crack up! Thanks.:lol:
  5. Sorry about the pics. I am trying again. Thank you everyone for the warm and fuzzy welcome! My 3 Quakers were all hatched last summer. I did purchase them from a breeder. At the time I was not aware of the need for homes for unwanted birds. My Quakers were my first parrots. They are very cute, silly, and sometimes very loud! Frank, Dora, and Bing I found Tequila on Craigslist. I had been seriously looking for about a month. The previous owner had her since she was a baby. She told me that Tequila was 4 yrs old, that she spoke English and Spanish. I think the poor girl needed the money desperately. She was not happy about giving her up. I promised to take great care of her. Previously on an all seed diet. Tequila is wonderful. Her disposition is awesome. Tequila
  6. Thank you everyone for the warm and fuzzy welcome! My 3 Quakers were all hatched last summer. I did purchase them from a breeder. At the time I was not aware of the need for homes for unwanted birds. My Quakers were my first parrots. They are very cute, silly, and sometimes very loud! http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/3826/fids.jpg[/img] Frank, Dora, and Bing I found Tequila on Craigslist. I had been seriously looking for about a month. The previous owner had her since she was a baby. She told me that Tequila was 4 yrs old, that she spoke English and Spanish. I think the poor girl needed the money desperately. She was not happy about giving her up. I promised to take great care of her. Previously on an all seed diet. Tequila is wonderful. Her disposition is awesome. http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/6302/yawning.jpg[/img] Tequila
  7. I just wanted to comment on your beautiful pics. Great planted tank in the back too!! I like the way you have the perch stuck to the tank!:laugh: I use the same perch for the fids when they take showers.
  8. Hello John. The link you have posted is to a pic of an Eclectus parrot. I do not see the awesome playstand you are refering to. I would love to see what you are talking about.
  9. Just wanted to introduce ourselves. My 3 Quaker Parrots are Dora, Bing and Frank. Tequila is our 4 yr old TAG. She/he has not been DNA-ed. None of the fids have been actually. I am still not sure how I want to do it. Tequila has been with us just about a month now. She is just now beginning to open up with us. We have a very crazy household, and she is still getting accustomed to all of the craziness. We have 4 dogs as well. She is really great!! We love her!:cheer: Andrea
  10. Just wanted to introduce ourselves. My 3 Quaker Parrots are Dora, Bing and Frank. Tequila is our 4 yr old TAG. She/he has not been DNA-ed. None of the fids have been actually. I am still not sure how I want to do it. Tequila has been with us just about a month now. She is just now beginning to open up with us. We have a very crazy household, and she is still getting accustomed to all of the craziness. We have 4 dogs as well. She is really great!! We love her!:cheer: Andrea
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