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Everything posted by bonek

  1. mango...that sound good for bonek and me.he5{Feel-good-0002006E}
  2. thanks...yep I see that ha5{Feel-good-0002006E}peace!!!
  3. if it was me I would put my stand beside/really close to his cage and after that I would hang the treat on the stand(Good luck){Nature-00020095}
  4. straws is good idea,but be ready for clean after him and your lovely bird will ignore u{Communicate-00020115}<br><br>Post edited by: bonek, at: 2009/06/21 19:43
  5. he love straws:evil:and he love make me clean after him also!!!{Emotions-0002007D}
  6. Bonek in day time{Communicate-000200D4}<a href=" " title="new music pics 049 by Bonekbird, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2432/3641626417_515e255b15.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="new music pics 049" /></a><a href=" " title="new bonek 026 by Bonekbird, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3627/3641626395_fb7424c1d3.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="new bonek 026" /></a><a href=" " title="new bonek 022 by Bonekbird, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3145/3641626361_abceab1c04.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="new bonek 022" /></a><br><br>Post edited by: bonek, at: 2009/06/19 23:37
  7. Happy b'days...I believe God will bless you always{Characters-000200D0}
  8. <br><br>Post edited by: bonek, at: 2009/06/05 23:15
  9. thanks dalia!!!cantaloupe seed{Characters-0002005F} so what you do with the cantaloupe seed{Emotions-000200C1}(bake)
  10. {Communicate-00020110}{Characters-0002005F}
  11. {Feel-good-0002006E}thanks judygram!!!soo what kind a treat the one you give to your CAG{Emotions-000200C1}
  12. just can say{Feel-bad-0002006A}and God bless
  13. {Characters-0002005F}ok,thanks caitb2007 I am soo glad you tell that{Feel-good-000200A2}
  14. hey,Casper sorry replay soooo long!!!can you tell me what is that sugar snap peas lol{Emotions-000200C1}
  15. hey, jamal can you tell me the brand of baby bird formula the one can use as treat...{Characters-0002005F}
  16. I agree with you caitb2007 for I think I need to stay away from this forum for a while but its addicting tooo {Love-0002006C}
  17. jon94 try get bigger cage if you can,coz more bigger way better for your grey{Nature-00020095} and for left over pellets I believe it's okay coz you need keep pellets bowl not empty!!!good luck{Nature-000200A9}
  18. bonek

    ***empty cage***

    sorry replay too long!!!Bonek now is different bird{Nature-00020095}his never bite and he will step up to any body.his talk a many word and I am glad about that the only problem his just talk to my wife!!!{Emotions-000200C1}
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