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Everything posted by Supernova

  1. CATS NEED A Kicking. hehe With my fave Ludwig van Beethoven<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/11/04 00:20
  2. Here is the video of the cloud moving in. If you look closely you will see a seagull flying in front of the Moon. But could it be an alien space craft or a clanger flying machine? But I saw it, it was a seagull, there was a flock before but I was focusing the scope and never got them on film DOH. Then the weather came in as usual http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDtm5Zo4sGo
  3. That is very touching. I am shure he loves you very much, as I do my wife. I think you are very lucky, how many men realy know there lady. Bernie.
  4. Well here it is Judy the full moon, well it was last Sunday and it is the clearest night since then. Tuesday 3rd Nov 2009. I cant be bothered to sort out the best so have em all Well that is all of them, and I had to work fast because the cloud rolled in, so I filmed it but that will be on youtube for another post here later. Hope you like them.
  5. pearllyn wrote: Haha Jill - there's always room for bevvies!! Too bad I came home with a migraine! Didn't F.A.R.T. all night! Still, had a lovely meal, and a nice glass of cola flavoured beverage! x hmm Bacardi no doubt ahem.:whistle:
  6. Tommorow if I see a white van I will drive over it for you, it may not be the one but who cares,
  7. Makes you wonder don't it hmm
  8. Got all the bits now, So hopefully if I hit it with the right spanner this week, it will be ready for another big crash next week, so we could be back in business.
  9. It is called progress babe, the rebuilding to make it better. Power is nothing without control.
  10. Well it is in bits, and the whole thing is being reworked to make it better all around, so should be up and running soon. Watch this space, all who dare. Bernie
  11. White van man? men drivers are poo. How dare he hit one of my babes cars the brute.<br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/11/01 16:39
  12. Well it is being refurbd with some stuff. So spent today making new designs on it but now Who cares, cheers. Hic.
  13. Here and well oiled for F.a.r.t night.
  14. danmcq wrote: That is the pic that got me thinking in the first place
  15. Day off tommorow weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Major boat work to be done
  16. Very interesting, so my flying tin opener could be from a small raptor. :ohmy:
  17. I won't go into a creation versus evolution debate on this forum. I agree Dan, That was not the question. Just thought of the conection if any.
  18. pearllyn wrote: Thanks Lyn babe, my observation skills are ok that is why, you are one of my, well you know.
  19. <br><br>Post edited by: Supernova, at: 2009/10/28 18:50
  20. No idea but it could be intresting, yes?
  21. If birds came from Dinosaurs. What type do grays come from?
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