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Everything posted by Kook

  1. Kook

    Is he sick?

    Hello Acappella and all. No need to mention how happily surprised and pleased i am with your email!!!! well now adays i am much better,i can show kooks pictures and videos without loosing it!i just try not to think of it for too long But I have a new feeling,I dont wont to have a grey no more(maybe that will change with time)or maybe am i just protecting my self and my feeling... I thought of buying budgies...but still didnt,its just different! Also ,I realized that by buying a grey I am actually saving one but also ,I am encouraging the bastard selling them to get another one(that I wont be able to save)... MAZYAK...I am sorry to tell you but my baby passed away... you never know what goes thru my birds brain...so if any change,before my own family,grey forum will know ! bless you all,love to u accapella tender kisses
  2. Kook

    Is he sick?

    oh sweet you...well how am I doing?Not crying anymore,at least not in a way anyone can c I just told my husband that I fight very hard almost every moment of the day some images,some songs he likes,his fruits and veggies in the fridge...the empty cage etc...I fight to think of something else So I guess Im getting there...but slowly,too slowly to my taste... I am very touched by your question...I am sure a lot of pl on this forum have also had a thought for me too....you ppl r the best thank you
  3. Kook

    Is he sick?

    Oh my God you brought tears to my eyes this morning...not sad ones ...just amazing how ppl who love greys are just such wonderful ppl...(not talking about me here,hehehe...) Acapella...no worries about your ignorance,im the same...I have no idea..but I lived in dubai for 7 years,and yes there you could find at least a few decent pet shops...but for the moment,I feel i d be betraying Zeus by having another parrot in his home! My husband suggested I get love birds...I spent the evening reading about them...seems quiet similar food wise,sleeping wise...etc...so I might give a shot I read on how to recognize young ones,female or male etc...I really dont care about the talking,all i want as you know is a feather friend... Might have to purchase a new cage cuz it seems they like wide ones more than high ones... You know what,I found a shop here that doesn't smell bad!!!!!!! I so highly complimented the guy.and i am going to recommend him to all ppl who live here and talk about it in a locol website His price are definitely higher but hey...health first right In feeding birds out in my garden...I dont know y but it relieves me! All my love to all of you and a virtual caress to your babies... TLC
  4. Kook

    Is he sick?

    Completely different plan...I cancelled everything.My heart is still aching Not mentally ready to have other babies as of yet!Not that I wont love them as much...just too sad still...Might take a day or two or a year...have no clue You know i did tire all of you with my confusion and indecision,as well as a close friend here and of course my husband! So a big thank you and I wont be nagging no more...Ill be reading posts to learn and be ready for my next grey Also and that might interest you,that lady and I are looking into how to let municipality know about that place The thing in countries like this,the only thing that might happen is having someone laughing at us...but hey,this place is a massacre place,he has more than 50 budgie in one cage,20 cockatiels in another tiny one...all birds have no more feathers...and as you can guess ppl dont wanna buy them no more so ...and its not only his place,its a whole souk(meaning like a whole 15 shops next to each other all selling birds... So lets try and c if anything can be done...I highly doubt...If humans have no right...The worst i ve seen is a camel tied to a 4*4 and running after it...yes,this is where I live love to you all,to your birdies,hugs and kisses...mouahhh TLC
  5. Kook

    Is he sick?

    Ok here is whats gonna happen today,I ll go to the shop,buy the birds,go straight to the vet who will do a general check up plus check for that bacteria in the blood...if there,we returm them and My prayres and yours will be with them..if not...I HAVE TO FIND 2 NAMES!
  6. Kook

    Is he sick?

    Hello Lisa Oh no I am not offended at all of the suggestion to buy them from another shop...Its actually what I would have done if it was possible!!! I just got off the phone with the vet.I told her that I would love to buy 2 ,And that I ll come straight to her to have their blood tested as well as feces etc...She said that since its the same shop,they most likely have the same bacteria ,and that NOTHING IS FOR GRANTED,even if she treats them with the appropriate medication! She said that never in her work here in Qatar,had she seen a healthy pet coming out of a pet shop...But that dogs and cats usually are just easier to treat...and that poor birdies are more sensitive so it will be a question on luck So the vet isn't saying:if we catch the disease early than he ll (or they will ) for sure recover!) God its so hard...I just dont know what to do In case I get them,They will be in the same cage,I ll build with my husband a big big big play area for them in our living room... As for time,I dont work and hardly ever go out...so 95% of mt time will be with them! you mentionned that if they are together in the cage since babies then its fine,is 3 months old baby enough ???or too late already? Since I can't bake the perches I ll just put new ones...new ones might be plastic or something until they had a few days in the sun!No my friends,they have nothing here for Parrots,no pellets,no toys,no play gyms... Having said all that ,I still didnt make up my mind,as my husband just called and he said that view the conditions they r living in...he doesnt 1% think they wont have the bacteria...and is telling me to know if I m mentally prepared for that... Nothing is helping here...
  7. Kook

    Is he sick?

    Good morning ! Thank you for the advice Acapella I think I did mention the bacteria,its micrococus. Yes I know it would be better to get from another shop...but thats if I was living in a civilized country where you can find clean shop:HERE YOU DONT! The place I am getting them from:the filthiest place that can exist,we had a shower once we got back home,I dont not believe(100%) sure they dont wash the cages of any of the bird...they just throw away the food ...there are flies by million,even in the water they drink...poor birdies spend their days flicking the flies away...I mean if I was in a normal country,this place would not only but shut down,but hte man would be in jail...IM NOT EXAGGERATING But here is what I feel...I want to get them from him again :cuz I love grey and also cuz I could give them a chance!I know I can't save all of them...but 2 is already good...I didnt sleep right!I still can't make up my mind...but i mostly feel I want my babies home...poor them...If I do Ill take pictures of the place so that you can understand what I mean... As for the cage,I cleaned it with soapy water and a bit of bleach...I threw away the toys I had made for him,I couldnt stand seeing them no more...so that won't be an issue The wooden stick,I ll have to buy new ones:unless there is a way to sterilize them(pls can you help me on that!) Well its early morning and the house is way too quiet...I ll just eagerly wait for some more of your advices... And yes I have loads of love to give We r a couple that can't have children...grey will be our kids... Again,than kyou all,your presence makes all way less harder on me! Thank you
  8. Kook

    Is he sick?

    Yes...I so agree...Well the fact that my husband didnt understand y I needed more time made me question myself!!!Y did I need more time???but there we go...im normal! No other bird will replace my Zeus,but my husband said:every bird you ll have will be a special one and your favorite... Well thank you for a quick response,and I just trust my instinct...and for now my instinct says:no,I can't
  9. Kook

    Is he sick?

    Hello to all My day without him was just a painful silence...I will not go into detail as its too painful... The bacteria he had (up to the vet is called She said its probably due to the poor cleanliness environment where I purchased him as well as poor feeding etc...I did google that bacteria but didnt underrstand much Anyhow EVERYBODY THANK YOU FOR YOU SUPPORT and Prayers...It really helped to know there are you out there that r having a thought for me and Zeus and that you understand the unmeasurable sadness im in! Now I have some surprising news and I need your help once more The day Zeus left us,my husband (i believe cuz he didnt know how to stop my crying)was almost begging to go get a new grey...I stubbornly refused. Today we went to the place we bought him to just tell the bastard thats selling birds that our baby had died!And there he had a bunch of new babies,3 to 9 months old.... We spent 2 hours at the shop watching them but I still couldn't make up my mind I felt its too early ...I dont know how to explain that but my husband coulnt understand that! Anyhow we r (my husband and I) a way too sensitive couple.. and we decided that if we get greys again,it will be 2,not only one! The seller insisted that if we get 2,they might never learn to talk(which is fine for me) but Im just wondering:is that true? He also said that they wont love me for sure cuz they ll have each other!!!Is that true ??? I dont know what to do Its 1 30 am and I can find no sleep... Love and blessing to all
  10. Kook

    Is he sick?

    I dont feel I did enough...Afetr we got home i put him in the room ,alone so he could sleep better there since I had to take a shower...the scene of him gasping for breath,how he had no more strength to stand...I m going crazy...I feel bad...I feel like a monster...I could have stayed with him But you know the worst...he was looking better today,I had to force feed him with baby food,and he loved it He loved me,he did nt want to og He was hapy Life is cruel
  11. Kook

    Is he sick?

    Dear all...Zeus kook just passed away an hour ago,I burried him near the sea...I am here writing on the internet to be able to stop crying...I need to express in some way ok not being able to concenterate..will write you detail tomorrow so you know his disease to have more knowledge...Love you all and enjoy your babies
  12. Kook

    Is he sick?

    Thank you tender kiss
  13. Kook

    Is he sick?

    Oh btw he is in his room now,its warm and quiet there for him...not gonna be opening the door every now and than to check on him,it will wake him... Update tomorrow dear friends
  14. Kook

    Is he sick?

    Evening everyone The vet called and said that he found a bacteria in his blood...when I asked the name of it,he had a weird kind of answer.. evasive in a way...,than I asked if it was Chlamydia Psittaci ,he said that Chlamydia Psittaci cant be seen in the blood...now im all confused Anyhow he said that for three days he should get an injection evryday starting tom... So in a way,I had a shy smile,some hope...but I dont wanna have high hopes as well...I need to see the vet tomorrow again to really understand And thats when I ll update you all and hopefully my info will prevent and help your babies God forbid anything ever happens Love and respect to all Your presence was so reassuring to me...like a positive energy was waiting for me here on the net...really thank you TLC<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/01/24 17:30
  15. Kook

    Is he sick?

    Afternoon to all.He might have Chlamydia Psittaci but the blood test result is for tomorrow morning They did a stool test which came out clean.His feces are just a bit lose but nothing to worry about till now... He is eating but a very very tiny amount.I diced plenty of vegggies and fruits and he did eat like 5 pieces...pieces meaning REALLY SMALL pieces...cuz he is so so weak you can feel he can not hold something or bite into something etc...he has been sleeping since we got back...I am not sure he is going to make it...I am right now so exhausted,I dont think I have tears left.My husband even told me that im too sensitive as a person to keep a pet...and that if he recovers we should give him away(I honestly didnt sleep and me eyes are swollen ) I dont know if I put him in a room alone so that he can sleep..or if i should keep him with us in the living room...I mean in the room its quiet...but will he feel lonely or left???pls help me thank you Oh the vet did give him an injection for Chlamydia Psittaci...just in case
  16. Kook

    Is he sick?

    imgoin as soon as they opn
  17. Kook

    Is he sick?

    This morning his right eye is not fully open...he is all fluffed up...but playing slowly with a toy he can hardly vocalize...im dying
  18. Kook

    Is he sick?

    Thank you !!!! yes a demain! TLC TO ALL
  19. Kook

    Is he sick?

    yes in diameter...ok so that s good...color is fine,consistency too...only once all day did I c a couple of bubbles....he is now eating a bit more...Im not crying no more at least!!!ok,Ill put the heater in his room now and put him to sleep...will update you tomorrow once back from the city thanks a million...really really THANK YOUUUUUUUUU
  20. Kook

    Is he sick?

    yes I called the doc...on his mobile cuz today its equal to sunday ...he said to bring him anytime I can tom...So im going tom early...he is still next to me and I just gave him a kinder toy...he is playing with it....this makes me feel better...his poop has a normal color but the size is weird...its thick!!!ok sorry for the wining ...since he is fluffing his feathers should I put a heater in his room?the temperature here is 14 degrees...what do you think?
  21. Kook

    Is he sick?

    He is now here near me...cant manage to put him to sleep...He wants cuddle allll day...im sure thats bad...ok Ill out him to sleep now...i dont know!
  22. Kook

    Is he sick?

    ok he has bad breath too//and today he slept all day will fluffing his feathers...I was told aboutone vet to be good..ive been so sad all day...pls i dont want anything to happen...will update tomorrow
  23. Kook

    Is he sick?

    I saw a couple of bubbles in his feces...in only one of his feces...will check more later. He wouldnt stop wining...he make a wining sound ...its weird...cuz we cuddled him for 30 minutes this morning,than he was with us for breakfast...he was eating and wining!!!now he is back at his perch,wining...and if i look at him,its worse!!! God I m so lost!!!
  24. Kook

    Is he sick?

    in Qatar...yes I use to live in dubai ...it was better!
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