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Everything posted by Tammy

  1. You are alot of Help. I have not been on for awhile to do with Spending time with my New Baby CAG Cosmo and Doing things with my kids! LOL! But when I brought Cosmo home he was like he has been with us since the day he Hatched. I think It is because I was visiting him 1-2 times a Week and spending 2 hrs with him each visit. He is a Sweet Heart. He loves to sit on your Lap and Just for you to pet him and then her fall asleep. LOL! He is Very Vocal. I couldn't ask for a Better BIrd.
  2. Tammy

    Pics of Cosmo

    Well, Cosmo is 6 weeks old so not till about 12 weeks old and weaned. But I visit him every weekend.
  3. Tammy

    Pics of Cosmo

    They are Both so Adorable. I spend a little over an hr. with Cosmo every time I visit him. I wish It was time for him to come home.
  4. Tammy

    Pics of Cosmo

    The pics did not post But I do Have 2 pics of them on my File.
  5. New pics of Cosmo at 6 weeks of age. Dont mind the pic. They are a little messy looking because we were feeding them.
  6. I always whatched Soaps with my Mother when I was little. I watch ALL MY CHILDREN & ONE LIFE To LIVE. I love REX on One Life to live. But I have not had a Chance to watch the soaps for about 2 months. My kids HOG Every TV in the house! LOL! Plus I am Busy cleaning, 3 kids, Pets and other house work. I am Stuck Watching the WIGGLES & ELMO all Day! LOL!!
  7. Hello! I know how you feel. I still have some weeks to go till I get to bring mine home. I just found out it is a Male. His name is going to be Cosmo. Do you have any Names? This group is Great!
  8. Tammy

    Bird Name

    Well, I just found out mine that is 5 weeks old now is a male. Had a Dna test done. So, His name is COSMO!!!
  9. Tammy

    DNA Results

    Thanks. I try to visit him as often as I can. I am going tomorrow and Buying Cosmo a Play Gym.
  10. Tammy

    DNA Results

    I visit the Cosmo everyweekend. And spend at least 1-2 hrs with him. I can't wait till he comes home! I am SOOO Happy that all tests were Neg. And even More Happy that Stephies does not have any Problem from the Pimple on it head!
  11. Tammy

    DNA Results

    Well, I found out that everything is Fine with the 2 CAG Babies. All results in all test came back Neg. So, I will be taking the One that I Picked. And the Result of the DNA just came in and Mine is a Male & The one Stephie is Getting is a Female. So his Name is Going to be COSMO. They are almost 5 weeks old Now! I visit mine every weekend and spend 1-2 hrs with them.
  12. Well Everything came out NEG. on the birds. The Vet said they are 2 Healthy CAGs. They think the one Stephie is getting got bit by some bug.
  13. I dont have anyone smoke in my House, car. If I had the Birds or not. Me & My Hubby Dont smoke. But like friends Know better at my House!
  14. There will be Cages there People will be selling. I would say Cheaper then a Petstore. I buy most of my Cages at the USA Flea Market in Hudson fl. Next town over from me on 19. The guy sells all Bird stuff from Cages, seeds and even Birds (small). His cages are Cheap& in the Box still Bring it home and put it together. He might even be at the Bird Fair tomorrow! Everything is always cheaper at a Bird Fair. Well, I think SO!
  15. Judygram you are right on that about the Bird Fair. Everytime I want to go to one it is like 2 hrs from my House. And I dont feel like driving that Far. But I am so Happy that the One tomorrow will only be 5 minutes from my House.
  16. JudyGrams is Right on that about Dave. He is such a GREAT Help to alot of people. Steph since I been going to Janices house ever week your Baby seems Very Happy and Active ever time I am there.
  17. You are welcome. I just didnot want to see you drive to Spring Hill From St. Peterburg and there is No Bird Fair!:woohoo: But yes it is Sunday (tomorrow). I am going there around 11am. Not sure how Crazy it will be.
  18. Yes it is Janice. Have you gone to her house or Gotten a bird from her? And just to let you know I see on the one post you said you are going to the Bird fair on Monday. It is on SUNDAY in Spring Hill at 9am-4pm.
  19. Thanks Dave! I only feel this way because I did that myself one time before. I got a Puppy Daschund that I Still Have and he under up with Demotoxic Mange. Not sure if I spelled it right! LOL! And I spend $1,500 on my baby for dipping for the Mange and it did not do anything for him. He is missing some of his fur and it will not grow back. I will Do what ever i have to tomake sure My Pets are Safe and Healthy But I dont want to end up with another UN HEALTHY Pet. I am going to go to the Bird Fair this weekend and talk to some of the Breeders. Thanks for being Honest.
  20. All I know right now is that The breeder took the baby Bird to the Vet Yesterday and had 3 removed. I even Called the vet she took the bird to and asked questions about granulomas. She told me it is best to have the other baby CAG meaning mine to be tested to make sure. I am not sure if the breeder did that. And she told me that coming from her that she would not Chance it. But that is just her. I dont know what I should do. This is Killing me. I know that I can always find another breeder. There is a Bird Fair in my town Sunday with all breeders of all kinds of birds and I am going to it but I really dont want to chance it and end up with Not a Healthy Baby. I am paying $800 for the bird.
  21. I was wondering if anyone Can Answer a Question for me? I hope so. The Breeder I am Getting my CAG from told me that the other baby from the Same nest as mine has GRANULOMA. It just had 3 taken off the one Baby bird at the Vets. Is that something that My baby Bird can Catch or might also have because they have the Same parents? She seems to be 100% Honest with me but I really want to make sure I am Getting a Healthy CAG. And not 3 months down the road mine has it too. Please If anyone can answer my Question. Thanks!
  22. Yes I have done this before. But the Birds were older when I adopted them. It took My Sun Conure & Jenday 1 day till they were best Buddies. I was just wondering how it would be with a Larger Bird. My Cockatials dont leave the top of their cage much. Thanks for your Advice.
  23. I was wondering if you can tell me how you introduced your CAG to the rest of your Birds when you brought it home. I will not be getting mine for another 12 weeks till Weaned. He/She is only 2 weeks old & just pulled from the nest. I have other Birds that are Friendly But love to know what is new in the house. LOL! Like my Sun Conure Pebbles. I bought a Play Gym for the CAG and Pebbles has already been using it. I will Have my CAG out of the cage a good time thru the day. And my Sun Conure & JenDay Conure are out of the Cage 75% of the Day too. I am hoping they will become Best Buddies! LOL! Any Advice please Give. You Guys Are the BEST!!!
  24. I have not even Gotten My CAG yet. He/She is only 2 weeks old. But My Husband is already talking about next yr we will get another CAG. Plus I have other Birds. I think I turned him into a BirdMan! LOL! That Is a Good Thing!
  25. I am Soory to hear about your Baby. I hope everything worked out the way you want it. I think you will do fine. Keep us updated on every step. P.S. Do the Danes look well fed? I am asking because I am a Great Dane Lover and own one myself and they are Sweet Gentle Giants. And they Eat alot! LOL!
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