Could some one give me some advice as i`m unsure what i should do?
There is a lady that has a Cag (breeder where i got kya my cag from) and she is in hospital in a bad way. I was asked that if things went wrong (lets pray not) that she need someone to look after her cag charlie. I`m not sure how old he is but i do know he was givin back to her from a marrage that broke up. Now he is a very scared grey and dives for the bottom of the cage when large objects move anywhere near him?. i`ve had parrots for 3 years now and i`m always learning new things and i know greys are this way as mine was for a while and she still does now and then but very rare. Should i take charlie on is it something i can break him from not knowing what his back ground is fully?. I don`t want to take on something before i know what you guys can give me information wise . Like i said nothing is set in motion as i hope all will be well with Ann and i`m not needed. Any help i`d be very greatfull.