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About Lex

  • Birthday 10/02/1969


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    Floor Layer

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  1. I take my hahns macaw and cag to the vets for this plus it gets them use to the trip out and they get use to the vets that bit more. Cut in too far and they bleed real bad so i`ve stayed away from doing this.
  2. Lex

    Need Advice

    many thanks for your post i know what you are saying al the same good to get peoples views on things always a good start to making sure you mind is clear before taking the next move. Dave.
  3. Could some one give me some advice as i`m unsure what i should do? There is a lady that has a Cag (breeder where i got kya my cag from) and she is in hospital in a bad way. I was asked that if things went wrong (lets pray not) that she need someone to look after her cag charlie. I`m not sure how old he is but i do know he was givin back to her from a marrage that broke up. Now he is a very scared grey and dives for the bottom of the cage when large objects move anywhere near him?. i`ve had parrots for 3 years now and i`m always learning new things and i know greys are this way as mine was for a while and she still does now and then but very rare. Should i take charlie on is it something i can break him from not knowing what his back ground is fully?. I don`t want to take on something before i know what you guys can give me information wise . Like i said nothing is set in motion as i hope all will be well with Ann and i`m not needed. Any help i`d be very greatfull. Dave.
  4. kYA didn`t talk at first wasn`t worried about it to tell the truth. But now she says "what what what" "bye...bye-bye" (when i go to work) "Au revoir" "step" "step-up" a few sounds lol i call the tiger so funny isn`t the growl greys can do when afraid this is the tiger! they will pick up anything they want to use!!
  5. doors and windows are a problem i won`t clip their wings they are birds birds fly i couldn`t take that away from them but i do understand from both sides. We lock the doors so it gives you more time to think before you open them. Dave
  6. My wife now runs a day care for children and she got an item that goes on the side or top of doors. Got me thinking that it`s a great idea for parrots safty. Ever nearly closed the door with your parrot on it? i sad to say i have got very close to it!. This works well also they are scared of them so keeps them off door`s they can be brought from ebay about £3.00 ish pack of 4 different colours and theme. http://shop.ebay.co.uk/i.html?LH_AvailTo=3&_nkw=pinch+safty+door&_dmpt=UK_Baby_Baby_Safety_ET Hope this helps works well for me as my grey won`t go near them even put one on my curtain poll lol works a treat!! could also make a home made one maybe:confused: Dave.
  7. OK i have a tree nearby Weeping Willow and i know this to be safe for greys!!. How do i go about giving this to my grey? I mean i cut a branch off then what is best to do? clean with what? bake? if so how long? many thanks Dave.:confused:
  8. most of their toys end up there lol bucket is always empty you can see them watch you collect them and clean them up and replace just for them to end up back at the bottom of the cage once more! grrrrrrr Love em
  9. will do Talon i think it will be near the cage for a while before it goes in.
  10. Here`s a grat toy i came across on ebay i think? you can get them from pets at home in the UK http://www.petsathome.com/shop/jumbo-chube-by-critters-choice-15876 giant size is the one you want for a cag sized bird. Here is a utube of someones cag at play NOTE not my birds great work by the person of this video. I`ll be sorting this out for kya once she isn`t scared of it that is :rolleyes:
  11. i gave kya lego small kind she loves it BUT she bit off all the underside that connects to the next brick so not a good idea. Shame as i used to connect a few together and she love`d to break them apart fun to watch.
  12. the movie was ok BUT look at the toes LOL anything Missing?? OR is it me
  13. kya my cag is 424g can get to 435 but stays in that ball park. I keep a log book of weights she has been so i know how things are going
  14. Dave seen this one? http://purerair.com/bird_dust_air_purifier.html
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