Every grey is different.
Oliver started at 6 months. Before talking, he did a lot of "crying", noises, etc. Then one day he just started talking. Hasn't shut up since! I love to hear him though.... he's so darn cute. little biased....<br><br>Post edited by: JillLang, at: 2009/01/02 19:17
As soon as Oliver warms up to the people in the room, he'll talk. He'll start talking especially if I leave the room. I'd say he's about average at being shy.
Oliver started talking around 6 months old. He learns new words fairly quick... sometimes it's a day or two and sometimes it could be a week to several weeks.
I never did get a video of Oliver taking a shower. Sorry. But I did discover that he likes to be sprayed with ice cold water better than warm. Go figure.
Just found this forum a couple of days ago. Nice site! Hope to be able to contribute when I can.
Oliver's saying this week... "Pretty soon it's going to be Christmas."
I post his videos on my website. Watch when you have the time.
Merry Christmas everyone!