Hi all Charlie is doing great and enjoys his freedom of being out of the cage. He shouts me first thing to let him out then when he is let out he gives me a kiss and will sit on his cage for most of the day. He only goes back in every now and then and comes out when he is ready to. He is then put in his cage of a night till the next morning. His feathers are coming along great as he is no longer locked up on his cage like he was with his original owner. The other part I have to keep an eye on is his chest as that is the part he plucks when he gets stressed, and as soon as it looks like he is getting his feathers back he will pluck his chest again. I hope it won't be long till he stops this, he is much happier all round and was very moisy last night, which kept me awake for quite a while. He seems to have settled in great. Right I have to go feed all these animals and check on them all and will try and pop back later on. Have a great day and take care all.