My male 4 month-old Timneh and I are in our 3rd week together. I have experience with parrots but not with Timnehs, and I'd rather learn from others than make mistakes with my baby. ANY ADVICE HERE?
I have him eating lots of fresh food, harrison's pellets, and a fair amount of kaytee handfeeding formula (he was "weaned", but he likes this, so I offer it from a spoon a couple of times per day).
His primaries are clipped, but he still tries to fly a lot (mostly to get from his cagetop to me, or from me back to the cage). I try to keep him low so he does not injure himself. Does your Timneh do this? The exercise is probably good. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS?
So far no talking, but we play a lot, I name things for him, sing to him, etc. His baby begging is giving way to some crazy babbling at times, especially when we shower, when the dishwasher is on, or music is playing. ANY WORDS OF WISDOM FOR ME?
A couple of days ago he let me scratch his head. Now he is hooked!
Lastly, I've called him Mingus, but I'm not sure I really like the name. I'D GLADLY TAKE YOUR SUGGESTIONS ON A NEW NAME.
Greg<br><br>Post edited by: Mingus, at: 2008/10/31 23:38