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Everything posted by harvey

  1. Awww bless him he's adorable. Now he'll be flying everywhere getting into all kinds of mischief
  2. Here is a video of Harvey enjoying one of his favourite foods.
  3. He is gorgeous and he seems to have the same travel cage as Harvey
  4. Congratulations and I'm sure you'll do just fine with him
  5. If she does it in 2012 then we'll go mad Cruel fate has robbed her so many time. I'll probably try and get to the marathon in 2012
  6. Well done Lewis Hamilton. Harvey supported you all the way on Sunday. All African Greys are McLaren fans I think, just look how much their tails resemble the nosecone on the McLaren :whistle:
  7. Happy Halloween from Harvey Clare and Gavin + the rest of the menagerie
  8. Thanks for the advice. I'll keep them out separately for now and let them continue to chat every day. We'll see how it goes as time goes on. I was sorry to read about Spike sorry for you loss
  9. Hello Chloe aren't you cute as a button
  10. They are so sweet. Adorable :woohoo:
  11. Currently they share a room and they come out of their cage separately. Pippin usually comes out after Harvey has gone to bed which is in a different room. Anybody with an African Grey and a Cockatiel like to share their experiences? As I said up till now they haven't been out together. Today I let Pippin ontop of her cage whilst Harvey was out. Mostly it was peaceful. Harvey did make a beeline for Pippin's cage a few times and I stood between them to make sure nothing happened. Lost my nerve then and put Pippin back in. They might get on but at the end of the day is it not worth the risk seeing as Harvey's beak is as big as Pippin's head and if they got on 99% of the time that 1% they didn't would probably be the end of Pippin. :huh:
  12. That's great that he's settling in with you so quickly you must be chuffed to bits. I remember when Harvey first flew to me when I asked him too :woohoo:
  13. We're hoping Noodles will be ok. It's heartbreaking when one of our pets is ill. Hang in there Noodles.
  14. What a darling Thank you for posting B)
  15. I loved these pics so much I just had to see if I could snap Harvey in flight too!
  16. Gavin and ofcourse, Clare<br><br>Post edited by: harvey, at: 2008/10/21 23:19
  17. Thanks I'm chuffed that you liked them I'm snapping loads of pictures of him whenever I get the chance. -Gavin
  18. Thought I'd try some action shots of Harvey flying to me as it's one of his favourite things at the moment.
  19. harvey

    Meet Jack

    I love seeing these wonderful animals outdoors in the sunshine he looks so happy.
  20. She's gorgeous, she sure does love to cuddle
  21. We had a much better weekend with him! Well I did anyway He took treats from me while he was in the cage and then gently took them from me while he was out as well. Both with and without Gavin in the room so as far as I am concerned that’s a huge success! I was brave and picked him up with a perch and moved him around. He did not go for my hand this time, but then I was trying to be less scared. He also flew to the perch when I asked him to!! That for me was huge! We had an incident where he lunged for a toy and pecked me. So I did as suggest and walked out of the room with the toy and ignored him. Worked a treat! Gavin is also letting me do more things with him on my own. I will get him up out of his sleep cage every day so that he can see me doing more nice things for him. So give it a few more months and I am sure we will be a happy little family. Thank you so much, you really can’t image how much this has helped me! I feel so much better and much more confident that all will be ok.
  22. We're trying clicker training but he seems to be scared of it when Clare clicks and not when I do.
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