We had a much better weekend with him! Well I did anyway
He took treats from me while he was in the cage and then gently took them from me while he was out as well. Both with and without Gavin in the room so as far as I am concerned that’s a huge success!
I was brave and picked him up with a perch and moved him around. He did not go for my hand this time, but then I was trying to be less scared. He also flew to the perch when I asked him to!! That for me was huge!
We had an incident where he lunged for a toy and pecked me. So I did as suggest and walked out of the room with the toy and ignored him. Worked a treat!
Gavin is also letting me do more things with him on my own. I will get him up out of his sleep cage every day so that he can see me doing more nice things for him.
So give it a few more months and I am sure we will be a happy little family.
Thank you so much, you really can’t image how much this has helped me! I feel so much better and much more confident that all will be ok.