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Everything posted by CiscosMom

  1. My vet told me not to expose him to drafts (It’s getting cold here) So I am a bit concerned about completely drenching him just yet. All I have been doing is misting him and he really seems to enjoy it.
  2. Cisco is about four months old now. He has been settling in quite well this past month. I have been misting him twice a week but he still wants to bath in his water dish. I bought a suction cup shower perch but when I got it home I wasn’t sure if he was to young to use it. Is there a certain age to get them in the shower? I am worried about getting him sick. Do any of you all use this type of perch when showering your grey? Is it pretty safe? Thanks!
  3. I have heard of jealousy issues but to turn into puffs! Neither growl nor snap at each other but I don’t want to take a chance….I do have a question for those that have the smaller ‘LOUD’ birds….I am not sure if it’s Cisco’s naturally ‘squawk’ or if he is picking up Baby’s loud unruly behavior. How do you keep yourself from getting earplugs? Is there anyway to discourage the two from having screaming matches? Cisco is also doing what we call jabber…his own form of English…almost sounds like he is trying to say ‘Hello” and ‘Whoa’ with a lot of I have no idea what…I do try to encourage that by praise and only say ‘What?’ when he gets loud by squawking….It seems to somewhat work with Baby but not every time. Any suggestions?
  4. Thanks for the warm welcome! Cisco has been a joy! AND what a personality! He is so cute to watch waddle across the floor....Everyone so far but Baby 'My Quaker of 6 yrs' is getting along. Everytime the two see each other they both look like feather balls! So I think it's gonna be a slow introduction with them!
  5. Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer and I finally got my first CAG. His name is Cisco. We have had him since he was 12 wks old, now 16 wks and he is quite the clown! We have not had a DNA test done so I am assuming that he is not a she. Our flock consists of a Quaker parrot, 2 German Shepards, and the cat!
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