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  • Biography
    I'm Brittany. My boyfriend and I have one african grey named Pepper. He was born July 4th, 2008.


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  • Interests
    computers, blogging, parrots, soccer

Brittany's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. can you help me and answer some of my questions?

  2. hi how are you? I am sorry for coming like this but i need some help.

  3. aww cutie!!! Pepper loves to dance he does it all the time haha. He will occasionally sing too, but only his song that he made up
  4. thanks for the warm words everyone! Pepper has been doing great being locked up while I am at work. Little buddy is hanging out with me right now haha and yes i have been a nanny for the past 3 years and still am! so definitely have some practice there, thankfully
  5. He was a bit scared at first but he likes it now!! Plus when i left this morning I left him some crackers he likes and he loved that. Even opened the blinds a tiny bit so he could see a little outside
  6. We are only starting to lock him up while I am working during the day. In the mornings he is out with us, and when I get home hew is out until he goes to bed. Before when I would work he'd be out all day and he is ruining our apartment carpets, as well as the blinds. So we got him a great new cage that he can enjoy. And certaintly when the baby comes here I will be a stay at home mom for awhile and when I do Pepper will be out of the cage since I am home! I only work 11 - 5 so he is only in the cage for 6 1/2 hours during the day, then when he sleeps. I would never lock him up all the time I love Pepper to death he is my first baby..loll, I just mean from now on when we are not home! Anytime I am home he is out and hanging out with us!
  7. well Pepper will be 3 this July!! And in August my bf and I are expecting our first baby:). Soo some changes are being made...Pepper has been allowed to hangout in his room not locked in his cage since we got him. Yes I know that isnt ideal but he has done fine! But anyways now we are starting to lock him up during the day [starting tomorrow] I hope it goes well. Also he got a new cage!! And here are some newer pics of him
  8. Ok, so we want to get a tree soon..but we are curious is it OK to have it with Pepper around? Of course we wouldn't let him on it or let him chew it [he's scared anyways], but is the scent bad? Thanks;)
  9. I feeel so terrible that i was going to feed him it!! good thing i asked!
  10. Omg. Where is the list in here of toxic stuff? Thanks
  11. We already made it. So can he have some of it if there isnt any oninon in his dish? Or does the onion already cooked in there ruin it?
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