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Everything posted by ZahrasMom

  1. Hiya. Thanks for the comment! Ya she is almost a year old now! can you believe it? She is talking up a storm. We live just south of hamilton (just over an hour from toronto) Nice to meet you!!! btw colorado looks beautiful. If i was going to move to the usa i would probably move there.
  2. This is great. I think you can get these rollers at the dollar store cant you? I might pick some up. Especially if i can find multicoloured ones.
  3. i see a pic of an african grey lol. I want to see this play gym!
  4. We were advised by our breeder to start the step up training right away and Zahra actually took to it really well right from the start.
  5. I am late in responding, as i have been away for a while but i wanted to say that i am so very sorry for your loss. How heartbreaking. It sounds like you loved Alex very much.
  6. oh my goodness..that made me teary. Thanks for posting it.
  7. Thats awesome!!! Zahra talks in low mumbles when she is practicing something new too!! I love it! Is Chimay a TAG or a CAG?
  8. My 10 month old TAG Zahra can say "jamie" (my husbands name) "bok bok bok chicken! bok bok im a chicken!" "monkey!! monkey" (my cats name) "what did you dooooo????" "kisses x x x x x" (kiss sounds) "hi Zahra" "hi zar zar" She does the wolf whistle (sexy whistle) and the "hey look over here" whistle She says a few things kinda low that i cant make out yet but i know she is working on some new things. But...the absolute worst/funniest thing she does... is that about a month ago my whole family had a bad stomach virus and we were all throwing up a lot.. her cage is within ear shot of our main floor bathroom..so guess what she mimics now!!!! "cough cough cough YAK" over and over again!!!! My mom came to visit and thinks its hilarious but i really hope she forgets it soon. lol.<br><br>Post edited by: ZahrasMom, at: 2009/04/03 14:53
  9. My TAG Zahra started the same word sounds at about 5 months too. In our case the sounds just got clearer and clearer.. now she is almost 10 months old and she talks non stop clear as a bell. She picks up new things about once a week. Congrats on your baby tag starting to talk!!! btw.. Zahra doesnt talk nearly as much out of the cage (on me) as she does in her cage or on top of her cage.. but she does say some of her more comfortable first words..so i agree with everyone and it just takes time. Isnt it amazing how early timnehs talk??? I love it! edited: because i said zahra was 8 months but she is actually almost 10 months! DOH!<br><br>Post edited by: ZahrasMom, at: 2009/04/02 22:16
  10. mingus: WOW that is fantastic. Zahra just started saying "step up???" like a question. She is saying a ton of other things but i havent been able to sort it out yet.
  11. Hiya! I have a 5 month old TAG and she is clipped too and still gets quite a bit of distance/height. It's pretty shocking. She is really good at reaching her destination without wiping out too. As far as the babbling. You just wait!!! It will totally turn into word sounds soon. It only took a matter of weeks for Zahra to go from baby sounds to these words that i cant make out but i know they are words. It's funny because they are in a man voice and yet she is mainly bonded to me. (im a girl) I assumed her first words would sound more like me than my husband but you just never know what they are going to pick up. Here's a name for you that i almost named Zahra. How about "Bacon"? LOL or "chicken" (i call zahra "chicken" 70 % of the time because her baby sounds sound like chicken sounds to me. Good luck!
  12. zahra, my TAG, growled at my mom a few times when she visited. you are right there is no mistaking it! it sounds just like a small fluffy dog growl lol.
  13. WOW! He is beautiful!!!! Thanks for posting the pics! Cant wait to see more!
  14. Thanks everyone. She really is absolutely wonderful. She is totally bonded to me already but is also accepting of visitors to the house and she is very comfortable with my husband who also holds her all the time. I hope to take more pics soon.
  15. Thanks so much. Im following my breeders advice in not allowing the shoulder sitting. You are right though it makes sense because she doesnt even attempt to go onto my sons shoulder or my husbands shoulder but thats all she wants to do with me. She wont sit on my hand even for 2 seconds. My parrot training/trick book is scheduled to be delivered today! im very excited. it covers basic training beginning with step up (which she has mastered) and other basic things and then also a lot of fun learning things for us to play around with. I gave her some "foot toys" and wow she has so much fun! She LOVES lego! Thanks everyone
  16. ok great. Thank you. I appreciate all of the help! This board is so great!
  17. Thank you so much. Thats the kind of advice i need (im looking forward to my books coming in) but thats great. I think im at the same stage as you where i am paranoid that she is bored and i feel like i have to keep her constantly stimulated. But when she sits in her cage, other than swinging on her swing and digging into her foraging toy, she just kinda sits all fluffed up. I just want her to be happy.
  18. Thank you so much for replying. You are SO right. i am being too soft on her because for some reason, based on everything i have read, im just afraid of stressing her out or making her not like me. I realize now that that is totally the wrong way of thinking. I need to be the boss if i want our relationship to be good for the rest of my life. Does anyone have any thoughts as to why she pulls this with me and not my husband or son? They dont even have to deal with it because she perches so lovely on their hands forever. not me! Oh well. Tomorrow is a new day and i have a new plan! Thanks Judy!
  19. ok maybe this has been posted a million times before but i am new here. My new 4 month old TAG Zahra has been with us for a couple weeks and she is just AMAZING. My question is this: When my husband and son get her to step up and they hold her on their hands she is completely content and stays there. BUT when she gets on my hand she used to try to crawl up my arm but now i block so she crawls onto my chest then onto my shoulder and then onto my head.Always! Then i get her down but she tries to/or bites me when im trying to get her back down again. Then she is on my hand again and the cycle starts over. She is always going for the top of my head. My breeder has advised me, and also i have read that its not a good idea to have her above chest level or she may become aggressive (which she seems to do when she is on my head hence the biting) so i want her to stay on my hand (or lower arm).I try to keep her interested but she is on SUCH a mission to get to either my shoulder or my head (ultimately). Any ideas on how to keep her down? Why do you think she does this with me (she prefers me right now) and not with my son or husband? ok 2nd question. I have ordered a few books about parrots and african greys from amazon (in addition to a lot of reading on the net) but im wondering what kind of stuff do you guys do with your greys when you have them out of their cage? I fear that Zahra will become bored with me. We currently dont have a play gym area for outside of the cage though im asking for one for christmas. Other than talking nice and petting her, what can i do to keep her entertained? She wants SO BADLY to be out of the cage a lot and i love it too but i worry that im boring for her. Could you give me some ideas? Thanks Wendy
  20. thank you VERY much. I will do that. i hate to be a pain in the butt but i promise i wont want to change it again after this one time. heehe
  21. Hiyas. I named myself "baconsmom" when i thought i was going to name my baby TAG "Bacon" but upon seeing her she is far too beautiful for such a goofy name so we have named her Zahra. I would love to change my name but Im wondering if this is possible without signing up for a new account. Can anyone help me out with this? I would like to have the name "ZahrasMom" thanks
  22. Well i picked the name "bacon" before i met her but once i met her i realized she is far too beautiful for such a goofy name so we have named her Zahra. (it african) She is absolutely wonderful. So incredibly tame. I hope we can keep her this way. She loves being out of her cage. here are a few pics Thanks for looking! Post edited by: BaconsMom, at: 2008/09/30 01:26<br><br>Post edited by: BaconsMom, at: 2008/09/30 01:27
  23. congrats! i get my timneh baby on sunday too! I named her Bacon already lol. What a great week for getting AGs! ahaha Wendy
  24. Hi everyone! My name is Wendy. I'm 33 and live in Ontario, Canada. I am getting my baby TAG girl on sunday (sept 28th)so i decided to join the board instead of just reading. I am so excited to get her! I look forward to getting to know all of you and your feathered friends! Wendy
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