Hi Tracie, congratulations on your new baby. My Ana Grey is now 5 months old and will sit nicely on her perch in whichever room I am in. I have several around the house. They are loving and cuddly when they are young and such a joy to cuddle. Tucker sounds like a very cute grey. Hope to see some pictures soon.
I am so sorry about Molly. No other can replace Molly, but I am so glad you decided to find room in your heart for another precious creature. Good thoughts go out to you and your new baby and welcome to the family. Pictures, please!!
Hi dph1230, welcome to the family. Congratulations on your new baby. Can't wait to hear what your baby's name is and see some pictures when you get a chance.
Pynk, all you can do is try. You are a great and caring person to try so hard to find this lost grey's owner. That is all you can do; the best you can. He is lucky your husband was so observant and lucky to have found such great people to care for him.
Get tired of seeing your babies, no way!!! Sterling is a handsome guy. Your baby Timnehs have the same red on their tails as my Ana Grey. Thanks for sharing Sterling with us, what about Sadie!!! What is she doing???
I found this in a post by searching for lost grey. I have no idea if this is anything, but maybe.....
"Albus" is a Female CAG that flew away on November 7th. Fairhope/Daphne Area, Alabama. If sighted please contact; jeano@mchsi.com
This is a beautiful grey. Thanks for sharing the picture.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/01/13 22:50
Hi Kook, congratulations on your new grey. There are alot of experienced grey owners here to help you out if you have any questions. Welcome to the family. Can't wait to see some pictures.