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  1. What a wonderful success story this is. You have been so selfless in this venture, and the rewards of that are being reaped by both Sully and his new family. Good job, luvparrots! You were clearly the perfect person for this bird!
  2. I'm jealous, too! Maxi (timneh) and Tanner (severe macaw) are more like Dan's pair - screaming chase buddies! Although I think Tanner would really like to be friends with Max, she's not having it, and these days she has the poor guy (who is half again her size) totally terrorized. I think they actually do keep each other company from a distance, and I can have them out at the same time now that Tanner has learned not to go visiting on Max's cage. But no cuddles between these two!
  3. What a character that boy is! I really love his versions of Old MacDonald. Thanks for posting those, Keith and Erika!
  4. Well, unlike your birds, Syd, both Maxi and Tanner love wasabi peas. Big treat in our house!
  5. Glad to hear of your baby's success, Greywing! I am also pleased to report that Maxi is now flying - and mighty dang cocky about it, too!:evil: Her favorite hangout now is a half-moon window near the ceiling of the "bird room", but she has also learned to fly down from there in the last 2 weeks, which makes her (and me) even prouder. It's so funny to see her strut about after she's done a circuit of the room and landed well. Now we are working on getting her to fly to me on command. Nothin' doin' on the aviator harness so far with her, tho - she clearly still considers it an instrument of torture. Tanner (my severe macaw) has also recently begun to take flight, and tho he is stronger, he is still pretty clumsy and needs practice manouevering. There's a whole new level of supervsion going on at my house now!
  6. I'm SO sorry to hear of your loss. If you have not already read Dave007's thread entitled "Lost a bird? I just got a message", please be sure to do so. I went through this experience when my 12-year-old budgie died 6 weeks after the birth of my daughter. He was my baby before she was, and it took a WHILE for me to come to terms with it. As katana said: you did everything you could for her. Now you need to do for YOU - take time to mourn and to heal, and know that her spirit is probably right alongside as you do. God bless.
  7. Wow, Mark - how exciting! Can't wait to hear the updates!
  8. Wow, Dave. Is that a Dave original? Very nice. Thanks for posting it.
  9. Yep, white horse and full armor, with a plume on the helmet! I also like the macaw forum on birdboard.com. What a lovely bird you have there, shaz!
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PAT! {Feel-good-000200BB} I'm a big believer in getting yourself a birthday present. But actually, you got Harley a bigger present: a wonderful home with YOU!<br><br>Post edited by: LindaMary, at: 2009/08/10 19:17
  11. Well, thank you for your response, Arun, but you have not offended me at all, since I really don't have an opinion one way or another about animal communicators. I'm not sure any of us has enough information to know whether their perceptions are accurate or not. But it seems that what Suzi told you gave you hope, and helped keep you going, which was valuable in the end. What I think is so wonderful about your story is that is demonstrates you were willing to try ANYthing - even things you weren't sure weren't pure quackery - to get Chikki back. A very inspiring story, and I am so glad it has worked out the way it has!B)
  12. I think that's one of your best, Davey! Clearly inspired!
  13. This is terrific, news, Arun - I am SO happy for you all! Yet another story illustrating that sometimes prayer combined with perseverance and soaking the world with "Lost Parrot" ads and trying every possible avenue CAN sometimes bring positive results! Thank you so much for sharing the details of his return with us, too. (Why do people like "the psycho" even get up in the morning, can anyone tell me that?:angry: Can't help asking if Messenger 3 has a shed and a flower box behind his shop...
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