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Everything posted by Lanibird

  1. That was so adorable! It made me want to get up and dance too! My cockatoo does that....they are so funny.
  2. Oh, I am so sorry to hear of your loss! Even with a new special baby to love, your little Koki will forever dwell in a special place in your heart....
  3. Hi, I can't seem to get photo bucket to work today! I have been trying to post a picture of my Amazon parrot but can't seem to get it!?
  4. Hi! My grey "Lani" is afraid in front of the window. I think it is probably due to a hawk that lives in the neighborhood. She's also nervous when she sees crows fly by. I moved her cage so that it is next to the window (and not in front of it) so I think not feeling vulnerable to the big scary birds outside made a big difference. She can see outside, but at the same time can "hide" if she feels the need to.She never screeched, but did do alot of growling at the time. Hope this helps!
  5. I just found this thread and was wondering, did Babee ever find her way home???
  6. Tigerlily sounds like Lani! When Lani comes out of the cage she says "you wanna go poo-poo?" Then she'll go and say "good girl"...she also tells our other 2 birds to "be a good bird, OK?" or when they are too noisy she will say "stop that" or "Mommy said no". Too cute. When we pick up the car keys to leave for work she says "I'll be back" exactly like Arnold says in the movies, followed up with a soft, sweet sounding "bye-bye"! When she wants something of what we are having for dinner for example, she'll make a lip-smacking sound and ask "you want some? m-m-m-m!" SO funny!
  7. Teka, hope your baby is OK....wow, lots of amazing responses from really knowledgeable folks. The people here are amazing.
  8. Hello there, I think that avocado and chocolate are not good for them. From what I have heard (but not 100% sure) avocado is toxic, chocolate too. I sometimes give Lani a couple tiny slices of cheese as a treat. Would love feedback from anyone whom knows for sure, though
  9. Hello Kook and welcome to you and your new baby. My grey used to be a sunflower seed junkie, and used to throw out all the good stuff I would offer. Now, she loved apples and celery sticks with peanut butter, scrambled eggs, walnuts and mixed veggies. Also, hunks of corn on the cobb are lots of fun too~! Lucky you came along and took this little sweetheart into your life. Keep us all posted~!~ Lanibird
  10. Hi Micahthegrey, just want to say Hello and welcome to the forum!! So many wonderful and knowledgeable people here, from all over! It's very cool!! :-) Lanibird
  11. Hey BaxtersMOM! OMG it really hurt although I know it was not a serious "I'm mad at you" bite, because if he wanted to he could literally rip my lip off. My grey bit me once too, when she started to slip of her perch in the shower, I gathered her up and wanted to reassure her and she bit me. I guess she felt it was my fault !! It's OK though, I'm still in one peice and love my birdies more than ever! Rocky has never shown aggression ever, but he gets ruffled every now and then like anyone I guess. Funny how they can lure us in with those shiny little eyes!!! :-D
  12. This post caught my eye, since I too recently received my first TOO bite! I guess Rocky got up in a frumpy mood, but the sneaky devil lured me in with that come-hither look of his and I leaned in to kiss his beak and, well....that little so and so bit my bottom lip.....OUCH!
  13. My Lani is the love and light of my life. I love how trusting she is, how she always says "Hi" even to people she doesn't know. I love that she tell Rocky, our cockatoo to "Be quiet" when he gets going too loud. SHe tells him to "Be a good bird" and "Mommy said no"...she is very serious in a funny and charming way. I love the way she gently rubs her head against my cheek when we are chillin together in front of the TV. I love how she asks "whatcha' doin?" and when she says "Mommy loves that birdy"....I could go on. She is a little feathered person with distinct likes and dislikes, and opinions, too! I could not imagine life without Lani in it. The postings of other people owned by CAG's are so touching.....aren't we fortunate that these precious creatures love us? Also, just love those little dinosaur toes!
  14. LOVE the pics of Lyric and Gracie-Claus!! ;-) Janine
  15. Karla, Your baby is beautiful!!!!! Janine (Lanibird) :-D
  16. Thank you!! Lani will appreciate the compliment. I was trying to post a picture of me with Lani and my Cockatoo, Rocky for my image....can't figure it out though. Any advice? ALso, this picture of Lani is my contribution to the picture contest! :-)
  17. Hi FairY....I give up! Cannot figure out how to get picture from photobucket to grey forums! Here is the IMG link....can you Please help me??? :-/ THX!
  18. Hey SchroedersJen, I read your post and wanted to say thank you for mentioning the mytoos site. It is good to see an honest description of life with a cockatoo. I checked it out and registered. My big boy "Rocky";) is 5 now, still fully feathered and happy. We have a daily routine and aside from greeting the day with alot of "enthusiasm" and also saluting the setting sun with equal amounts of "enthusiasm" we have a happy bird-house! They do take alot of time and patience, but a good dose of understanding too. They were born with those voices for a reason, and people do need to be honest about their own tolerance for noise!! :-) Janine (Lanibird)
  19. Hello! When I saw your post about possibly getting a Cockatoo I thought I should share my experience with you. I have always wanted a Moluccan Cockatoo and about 4 years ago, we purchased a gorgeous young male named Rocky. Be sure you and your husband can tolerate noise, and I mean SERIOUS noise the kind that hurts your ears. Our Rocky only screams while joyfully swinging upside down on his playstand or in his cage. The level of noise really bothers my husband and hurts his ears, although he loves Rocky as much as I do. Make sure you are up for the noise, that is a big issue with Toos! Otherwise, I do adore my Too as much as my CAG!!! If I could do it again I would probably have gotten a second CAG. Hope this is helpfull!
  20. Oh my gosh, this is so sad!! Those poor birds must be terrified as well as heartbroken. Our prayers are with you for their safe return home, please do keep us all informed!
  21. Hi there, Andrew is still in Las Vegas, and has had no news of his Tui. He has not gotten another bird, it is still too soon, I think! There is always hope, though! :-) Lanibird
  22. Wow, that is a really powerful thread and should be required reading for every person whom rushes out to get a bird without really thinking about the commitment they are embarking on. Made me cry!! Birds are people too! Janine (Lanibird)
  23. Hi there, I have never vaccinated any of my birds, either. Vaccines are scary, that's for sure! It's bad enough when they get sick and need shots! How old is your little Koko? My grey "Lani" just turned 15! :-) Janine aka; Lanibird
  24. Hi Skuffy, Any news on Max? How is Scooby settling in? Thinking of you... Don't give up! Janine (Lanibird)
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