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  1. here is forest......i love my green guy :kiss: http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg263/jacqm9/030.jpg coco a go go helping tidy!!! http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg263/jacqm9/mumdoesntwantthiseither1.jpg
  2. Ha Ha i love hearing stories about everyones pets. My ekkie forest talks really well. His vocab isnt huge probably 40-50 words but he uses them in the right context. His voice is also very clear and so sweet like a little dolls voice. I love the mmmmms and ahhhhhs that the ekkies all make as well.so cute My CAG is only 18 months but has allready caught up and over taken forest in the talking stakes....he talks non stop all day and learns a new word nearly every week. His funniest thing is he LOVES hanging upside down......from anywhere. He will try it from the tops of doors corner of the sofa even from the lap top. His latest words are Mr T,s "crazy fool" and he said it the other day while hanging off my hand....i did laugh alot....bless him
  3. thanks ok lets try these http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg263/jacqm9/moflow1.jpg http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg263/jacqm9/moflow.jpg http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg263/jacqm9/moflow2.jpg
  4. He looks so cute.......when the orange comes through he will look stunning
  5. i cant get my pics on here says they are too big then not the right format......i will try later:P<br><br>Post edited by: cocom, at: 2008/11/26 10:43
  6. Hi Lupa. I have a jardines. Her name is mo and she is actualy my O.H birdie. Out of all our birds she is the funny one, you will have so much fun with yours. She does a funny walk when shes playing and talks a little. She def has what they call jattitude!!! She rules all the other birds and the cats. They have a mean bite and she doesnt like me ( the other woman!) but she really is hilarious and very cute :lol:
  7. Hi, Forest started tapping after eating the zupreem fruity blend. I also wondered if it was the beak appetite that i had been giving him 2 a week as well. It says its natural but when i read the ingredients on the back it had added vits and minerals in it! So its all natural fresh stuff for him now. Yes the ekkie with sock looks very cute. you can get jumpers as well called feather sweaters....its just if he would wear one without being stressed by it. Im still not sure about harrisons......i would feed tem if i thought it would be ok......it would make feed time a bit easier especially if i have to go away for a night. I always have to leave a big bag of fresh food with a list! im not moaning really......i love my green guy:laugh:
  8. ajlinva i think orange is fine to give as long as its not mixed with other fruits and veg at the same time. Mine like orange but i give it to them later on in the day as a treat rather than with their main food. I also stopped taking orange juice with my vitamin tablets
  9. baxtersmom is the eclectus pellet the pretty bird one? I know someons whos ekkie started tapping on that. I think its an overload of vits as well as under the amount that can set them off.....they are sensiive little monkeys.
  10. Forest loves a shower too. I leave him in the bathroom when its cold as the bathroom is quite warm so that he dries a bit. I was told not to feed harrisons or any pellet type to an ekkie though i know there are lots of people that feed them without any problems. Seed....my guy never had seed from the last owners so i just kept it up. He has freh fruit every morning. apple kiwi pear coconut passion fruit figs pomello guava. ( a few chunks of each) passion fruit is high in vit A. I dont give orange as i was told it makes you digest any other vitiamins in the fruit. Thats why your doctor tells you not to take orange with your vitiamin suppliments......a vet told me this strange but true bit of info! Dinner consists of cooked various beans ( i soak and cook myself) raw radish runner beans sweetcorn baby tomato pak choi sweet potato whole grain rice leek galic ( 1 week) chcken on bone (1 wk) boiled egg in shell (1 wk) curly kale carrot pumpkin. Again it varies as to what i get at the shops each week but he has a mixture of any of the above. My grey has seed in his bowl at night so one a week forest gets a few seeds as a treat. He also has a couple of nuts every night too. god sorry this is an essay:laugh: A friend i know with a plucked ekkie puts socks on her like little jumpers.... she looks so cute and it keeps her warm. But also she spends her time picking at the thread on the jumper rather than herself. If your guy is harness trained he would probably tolerate this. I hope theres stuff in there you can try. Its all about trial and error i think with these problems. What works for one doesnt for another. If ive helped in any way i will be happy. x<br><br>Post edited by: cocom, at: 2008/11/24 11:07
  11. awwe poor little fella. gawd im lucky here in the uk.....rarely suffer with quakes. i do get woken suddenly in the night occasionaly though.......my ekkie laughs and then does a loud scream in his sleep.....its funny but i feel like my heart is about to leap from my chest everytime:blink:
  12. i have an ekkie. What diet is he on. i have a few friends with ekkies that pluck and it is usually a diet problem....not always but quite often. I dont feed any additives or vitiamins and my ekkie only has fruit and veg with a few seeds as a treat once a week. also i gave mine some pellets once and he started toe tapping! they can be such sensitive little souls! i have been told that they should be bathed every day and aloe vera in the spray bottle is good to soothe sore bits. aloe vera can be fed as well. also i was warned about giving mine water from the tap. I use a filter now before i give mine water. i hope some of this is helpfull, i dont know what you have tried x
  13. This is a very interesting post. i would love more birds as i just adore them but the reality is space and time. I know in my heart that i just couldnt cope with a 3rd. I would like a female ekkie or a blue and gold macaw but i dont really have the space......time i could probably find but i know my grey and ekkie would have their beaks put out of joint as i spend most of my days playing with them. Maybe one day when im not moving about so much with my flock and m settled in one house instead of half living at home and half living with the Oh but at the moment it suits us and my fids love going round to play with my OHs fids at the weekends so no more birds for now. We have 4 between us and i think thats enough. Both my guys are fuly insured and if theres any problems they come first before any thoughts of the costs are considered........maybe thats why im always poor..
  14. I have an ekkie called forest...........they are very different, so much that ive found it makes them the odd one out. My other birds dont like him at all. Hes very thoughtfull and thinks before doing everything. He talks in the right context most of the time. Hes very quiet compared to my grey and is quite happy to just sit near me all day. He can have moods and gets very grumpy when food is about.Landofvos is good as clairebear said also try the eclectus forum. Its an australian one but therer are lots of ekkie owners there. I hope that helps.......glad you rescued her...well done you:)
  15. yeah hes funny.....he hardly ever flies anywhere probably due to the 2ft wingspan......he will walk down the whole flight of stairs to go to the front room where as coco just drops straight off the banister and flies in.
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