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  1. Hi, I wanted to give everyone an update on my rescued CAG Nimbus. I brought him to the Dr's last week. Now I'll be honest and say he isn't my favorite Dr., but my girlfriend who is a vet tech says he's very knowledgeable even though he doesn't have the best bedside manner. Nimbus had been to him while his previous owner owned him. When the Dr. walked in I told him that he wasn't friendly, but he's not nasty either. I was pretty surprised when the Dr. said, "oh he's nasty all right"! "I'm sure I'll be bit several times before this exam is over"!! He started to examine him and by the end of the office visit he was telling me how glad he was that I got him, and it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He can also see a remarkable improvement in the short time I've had him! :woohoo: He then went on to tell me that the previous owner was scared of him and he had been left in his cage for years! :angry: I know I have a LOOOOONG way to go with him, but I left the Dr's office feeling very good. His stool came back clean, which is a good thing since I didn't want to have to manhandle him to medicate. He now WANTS to come out of his cage, which makes me VERY happy. Now all I have to do is make him realize I won't hurt him taking him from point A to point B. Right now when I try to take him off of his stand our out of his cage he takes off. I then have to follow him around until I can catch him up again. These sessions are getting shorter, and he isn't growling quite as much when I follow him and he is starting to offer his foot to me sooooo most of the time I think we're making progress. Of course as you know there are those days where he regresses, but hopefully with persistence and love he'll turn around. Lauri
  2. Here's the link to the store in Burlington, NJ. http://bird-paradise.biz/index.html I've been there a couple times. It's definitely a fun place to wander around in. LOTS of toys to chose from. :woohoo:
  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.
  4. cdelatorrejr: I've never heard of Gorilla tape....glue yes, but not the tape. Very interesting I went on their site and MSDS states that it's not toxic. My first concern was the toxicity when I read "Gorilla" since I know the glue is very toxic. Hmmmmmm I'll have to look in to finding some tape. I've used vet wrap in the past and my Macaw made short work of pulling it off. Thanks!!!!
  5. I love the playstand! Can you please tell me what the black things are holding the sisal rope down? Vet wrap? Thanks!
  6. I agree it's a personal decision. When I got my Macaw he was clipped as a baby because he started flying around the store when he was being fed. Since they didn't want to take any chances they clipped him moderately so he would be flapping, but not gaining altitude. Well, this was my first big bird so when I brought him to the vet he suggested that he make the clipping look pretty. Didn't really think twice about it and said OK. He proceeded to cut the feathers down to the quill. After that he fell like a rock when he slipped and my Husband and I had to towel him and pull numerous blood feathers. He was very clumsy as a youngster because his one foot is slightly crooked due to his Mother biting him. We let the wings grow out to give him confidence and it did, but unfortunately he then flew to me every chance he got so I couldn't sit down. It's nice to be loved but sometimes you just need a few minutes to yourself! LOL Now the rescued Grey I just got (Nimbus) was fully flighted and intimidated his previous owner. If he got out of his cage it might take her a day or so to get him back in! Needless to say I had him clipped prior to bringing him home. We're still a work in progress but hopefully with time and patience he will turn around. So after rambling on about my life...:blush: I just want to say make sure if you decide to clip that they get a good clip so that he can land softly and not crash to the floor and hurt himself.
  7. Nothing stolen from me, but a friend of mine had his diamond earring ripped out of his ear by his Rosebreasted Cockatoo and it was never found.
  8. Nimbus my rescued Grey has gotten me 3 times now. I've had him 3 weeks so that's averaging once a week! Not bad for a bird that's scared of everything. First time he got me in the nail and puctured the nail. OUCH! {Feel-bad-0002006A} My B&G Macaw has gotten me a couple times, but they've been pressure bites, but I've had him since he was a baby. He's going through his terrible twos now and LOVES to pinch. :angry: Last bite was when I picked him up after I left him with a friend for a long weekend. Guess he was telling me what he thought about me going on vacation without him. :unsure:
  9. Hi Patrick, Welcome to the group. I'm a newbie here also. I rescued a 7 y.o. 3 weeks ago tomorrow. We still have a long way to go with trust, but I'm willing to wait. Good luck with Refund!
  10. By the shape of the head I'm guessing.....female.
  11. I agree they aren’t inexpensive, but they asked for recommendations for carriers that people have. Now, of course I don’t have one, but have heard raves about his one. At some point if I get a bird I can travel with I would consider it. To me the adventure packs don’t look like they would be comfortable to wear. I wouldn’t rule them out, but I would want to see one in person prior to purchasing. What are your experiences with it? Does the cage rub on your back or is the back cushioned?
  12. I belong to another group and there is a woman that has this carrier and she LOVES it! She's always raving about it and takes her Quaker with her everywhere. http://www.celltei.com/pakobird.html Good luck! Lauri
  13. Hi, I've got a question for all the people who have taken in a "rehomed" parrot. Do you keep the existing name or do you change it? Do you go along with new beginning new name? I've taken in a CAG who is 7 years old. His name is/was Peeper and I'm thinking of renaming him Nimbus. I got him two weeks ago today A couple of reasons here..... 1. I have a dog named Beeper...might cause some confusion. 2. The previous owner called him PP. Sorry but when I hear PP I don't think of a bird. The previous owner was well meaning, but he's basically done whatever he pleased for the last 7 years. If he didn't want to come out of the cage he didn't....my impression is he spent weeks in the cage because he fussed too much about coming out. If he didn't want to go back in the cage...he didn't. Might be a day or two before she got him back in. I don't think he got bathed and his chest feathers are a little sparse as you can tell by his photo which I have as my icon. His chest isn't bad, but I've been misting him since I got him and he doesn't object. Sooo new beginnings new name or do I keep PP, and hope my dogs don't take it literally? :lol: I know they wouldn't but that's the image that comes to mind when I think of calling him PP. Thanks, Lauri
  14. I free feed all day with pellets, dried fruit, nuts, some seeds. I would think if the bowl is empty in just a few hours that there isn't enough. Once I'm home I feed fresh fruit, veggies, pasta, chicken anything that would spoil and I want out for limited times. So guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel they should have access to some kind of food the majority of the day. Their metabolism is much quicker then ours. Lauri
  15. Lauri


    Does anyone live in my area that can suggest a vet within a couple of hours? I've brought my birds in for wellness checks, but I can't say I've dealt with anyone that I thought was GREAT. I live in the Hudson Valley area of NY. 1 1/2 hours south of Albany and about the same distance north of NYC. 45 minutes east of Danbury, CT. Any suggestions? I would prefer going to someone that is recommended vs picking a Dr. off a list! Thanks, Lauri
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