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  1. I really really hope your bird gets well. Ive only had mien about a year now, so i cant really help. But i will give you my support, keep at it, hope she gets well.
  2. my poppy doesnt pick my nose, but she sticks her claws in her own nose! Anyone no why?:huh:
  3. bloddy hell! Well i hope it went ok? Let us no please
  4. poppy hates people who she doesn't no, so anyone out side of the family :lol: She also hates going in the cage
  5. so was it male or female? BTW i say female
  6. hi, welcome... keep posting pics, we love them on this site
  7. hahah very good, and yes you should have took a pic, i would have been rolling on the floor lafing! :laugh:
  8. love the playstand, love the bird. I think you should call it poppy like mine. The UK have terrible playstands compared to you in the US :side: :woohoo:
  9. i got mine for around £550 i think, and i had to wean it for a few weeks. If/when i get my next one, i would get it fully weaned, saves a lot of hassle. :side: But i still LOVE poppy!!
  10. yes i think it would be quite a bit different, i would be happy to get anywhere near 50 years out of poppy.B) Has anyone on the forum actually had a parrot die naturally and no the exact age of it? that would be good if someone new of anyone who have been through this.
  11. im no expert but if i were you i would just wait until he is a more confident bird. then think about taking him.
  12. haha :side: I am already learning, hopefully some day i will become as wise as you lot.
  13. this might sound funny because i dont come from Florida but do you get hurricanes? If so, what happens to the parrots when you get one?
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